Lurgorri 2006
Ref: Pouanaiak
Ref: TorresToneo
Ref: TorresToneo
Carlos del Campo, Directísimo opening in 1974, admiring the ice column Bullets Cave Ref: Carlos del Campo
Piolet Traction Cave Balas the
Story of Michelangelo Mora (Biafra) on the artificial opening in the roof of the cave Bullets "In the summer of 1979
know in Marin Cristian Vega of Urriello shelter, and quickly comes a great friendship between us.
One morning we decided to visit the Cave of the bullets, at the base of Shots Torchia, as we have said that is a very interesting place. Once there, we're dedicated to gather a soil sample of a small sphere-shaped stones, which attract much attention, because we know that the name of the cavity derived from them. "
" Fascinated by that environment we do not direct our eyes to the impressive roof that rises above us. We found a crack that runs through it in its entirety, and began to dream of a beautiful climbing away from the vertical. Thus, we decided to organize it for next summer, as they also face This is part of our projects to open in the PICU.
Biafra and Cristian Marin opened in 1980 the roof of the Cave Balas "In early July 1980 the first shots ring hub in the cave, and we are gradually equipping the huge overhang. At all times we progress using plugs and stoppers, and at no time did use of chisels. We take this climb with some philosophy, and we alternate with other activities. We came to the cave at mid-morning, through the "jumar" and the fixed ropes we won the highest point reached yesterday. Then we moved a few feet from the crack, and when we looked good, we returned to the shelter. Thus, in four or five attacks, and after forty feet ceiling, won the vertical edge of the cave, and assemble a meeting with golo Cassin and several pins.
In a repeat of the roof "We left the team and went over to do other instances with others. Shortly after we recover all the material and leave only a fixed rope hanging from the meeting. Our idea was to build the road, to win the top of the Shots Torca. But other projects we occupied, and at the end of summer, a very strong fall I had in the east of Naranjo, definitely blocked the project. "
along the roof Reclaiming " I still remember how we played free climb in the beginning of the overhang, and a half in jest, half seriously, we said that probably in the future some of these get Freeclimber overcome all the ceiling without using stirrups and no points for help. Past 27 years was born via "Lurgorri" of the Pou brothers. "
Ref: Biafra in A5Lunnis o0o
The brothers Iker and Eneko Pou have opened in the Naranjo de Bulnes Lurgorri
road and shortly after have been released into free climbing, with a proposal of difficulty of 8c +, which then must be confirmed by other climbers.
Lurgorri Ref: Case Pouanaiak
confirmed that degree of difficulty by other mountaineers worldwide be the first time in the history of mountaineering such milestone is achieved both by Basque climbers.
The new achievement of the Pou brothers are not within your project includes seven walls, Seven Continents, which are left to be done in Antarctica and Patagonia, although it has served to put the icing on the Trilogy of Naranjo. Alava
Brothers have already made before, and climbing, three-way Naranjo de Bulnes own:
Cantabrian Pilar (8a),
Zunbeltz (8b, 500 meters) and
Fifth Empire (8b, 500 meters ), which form the trilogy known as peak Asturias.
"Liberation of this pathway can be considered as a global brand and, when compared with athletics, we are talking about a world record of 100 or 1,500-meter sprint, "said Javier Baraiazarra yesterday, a member of the advisory team of the Pou brothers and responsible its website.
Ref: Noticias de Alava The route was opened by Iker and Eneko on the west side of the Naranjo de Bulnes on July 17, 2006. A week later, the brothers got to Lurgorri
work for chaining. And finally liberated on August 13 the 250 meters, at the moment, is the more difficult path of Picu.
Pou brothers perched on the Cave of the Balas Iker proposed 8c +, degree imposed by the first and the hardest of the 6 long road. The first roll of 35 meters starts in a cave whose roof resembles that of Baltzola and goes a long rift that has no insurance expansion.
Iker like a bat in the first long In the remaining long on insurance also. Quite the contrary. In the second, 7b, and the third, 7a, there is only insurance.
Eneko long
Eneko The fifth shot, 7c +, is the longest, with a total of 55 meters long and is, according to friends, the more psychological. Huge falls for a long insured with 8 expansive.
Ref: o0o
Dani Andrada Lurgorri repeated in 2008 Madrid
climber returns to Dani Andrada Naranjo de Bulnes, more than a decade after his last visit to repeat the 250 meters opened in 2006 by Iker and Eneko Pou in MURAZ most famous of the mountains of Asturias.
It has taken 13 years for Dani Andrada
he returns to Naranjo Bulnes, and has done so with the machinery at full capacity. The "viejomutante", as it has been renamed to their just turned 33, he could repeat
Lurgorri, a path of 250 meters Iker and Eneko Pou opened in mid July 2006 and released just a couple of weeks later, cotando entire itinerary as 8c +.
Andrada had prepared thoroughly, trying out different rocks and walls and taking a few red spots in recent weeks;
Black pearl, 8c + sector Rodellar The Piscineta, for example.
A haircut then going on for six long the route that runs along the west face of Naranjo, more specifically through the right side of buttress.
We expect the exponent of free Picu, a route that is broken down as: 8c L1, L2 7b, 6c + L3, L4 V, L5 and L6 7c IV.
Ref: Vertical Story by Dani Andrada On 14, Pep S. Naranjo pal and I go, women are in Rodellar ... From the 95 that had not returned to Picu and it was time ... The aim was to choose between:
"Lurgorri", "Zumbelt" or "Fifth Empire" and end ... for gold, in theory, harder:
"Lurgorri" a way that had chained and opened two years ago Pou brothers.
the first day, after accidentally kicking the cable car down the road, we went directly to see and ride the first lap. Tremendous disappointment that was soaked but finally, after three hours, Pep and I came to the reunion.
This is a roof over 25m with a 5m out. The first 15 meters were to be protected with many friends and stoppers because it is very close to the ground, but actually the hardest of length is the starting block, which is semi with 4 nails very precarious. The Pou brothers cotaron this long 8c +.
Dani Andrada on the roof of Lurgorri Ref: The second day we went to see the top of the track, I long for the second view, 7b (two sheets in 30m but easy to protect), and the third 7th (one sheet at 35m, but could only protect the bottom) and the fourth, a V of 35m above as it was impossible to protect.
The problems came in the fifth over. A course on the 8th all broken. I started climbing and I was breaking every song he picked up. I got off and decided to go up at him. Clean the area well and then chained to the first hit. It is a 55m long with 8 bolts away and you can get a friend. A long relatively easy when you know it.
After this long and finally came a V with no insurance to find a Session lost on the road on the left, quite a trip ...
Ref: Last day, the first long chain objective. Heating first and then hit chain. In my opinion, although I respect the opinion of Iker, I think it could be instead of 8c 8c + and I found many recessed knee that allowed me to rest well. At the end could have continued and repeat the above long as they were at 12 noon, but I do not worth it and I think sports is a way but a long way, has no difficulty maintained.
Overall route has not seemed too much rock as compared to others of Naranjo.
We were very happy with the deal that gave us Tom and the entire team Picu refuge. Again by the other ... at the moment to return to Rodellar for women ...
Ref: Dani Andrada o0o
Lurgorri means "red earth" in Euskera and refers to the color of the floor of the beginning of the road.
Ref: TorresToneo Why is called Cave of the Bullets?
Ref: TorresToneo
beads or pisolithic: are like balls consisting of concentric layers have grown on a core of sand or similar. They form in small buckets of water under steady drip.
Their size varies from few mm to 15 cm. Usually appear together in "nests" with numerous specimens.
Ref: espeleokandil o0o