Cristian "U" spoke about their opponents Twitter Percentages
The controversial participant in Big Brother, Cristian "U", used the network to communicate some thoughts on his colleagues and opponents of gambling.
* "The house is tranqui, but this week everyone will want to do what they never did. Example: a while ago and I got up and Emiliano Anchorena cleaned up the dinner last night. Anchorena When Emily and cleaned the house alone Big Brother? "Urriazaga analyzed. About Martin Anchorena
said: "It's very good kid. It has several drawbacks. The game, as I understand, has several functions. Armar plate, keeping house, trying to win the power of the house, trying to win every game that put us, not just gambling, which require also all physical exhaustion. I do not mean can not play. Everyone in here can play, some more than others. And what I get with Martin. Have you tried to play on a game gun. I never heard him put together a game alone, always tried to change some of the game I was already armed. Example: Once I had the salvation which are the 4 and Pepa was not much thinking and acting that made finger seems to think that it was not much, how many times he got the veto, when you throw the veto, if you find out what they're doing or who have a letter we say 'Dangerous', the veto is random and the times I shot, I acknowledge, was purely random, qe is the same thing I say to remove the immunity was pure strategy ... "
He continued:" It knows what well Jony K. I went armed with a game and all I had to do was follow me and I will not allow in any way that others will take my flowers. In the home care provided very little and is what we always said, it is thus given us, must be cared for as our own and maintain the cleanliness and in our house and that's part of living together. I live as I said in the containment. Anchorena was excellent because he was indebted to him who was to arrive together at the end. For my part I tried to do everything to put my bit to help that is and is. The rest will have been achieving it. Today I have only game co-living, not the game. I'm playing alone and I will do whatever it takes to win. "
" Pepa: it is a kid who always tries to give fight to any game that is present in the house, he puts a lot of will in regard to Big Brother game very well understood, changed his game so abruptly and earned, say the anger of many of the folks, but I think it is one of the best players in the house, and especially I will Pepa I proposed a game called. Upon entering my mother said, 'Son, Pepa never wanted to go against yours, in contrast, follows you back '. The guy was convinced that my game was relatively on track and tried to grab it. I see it as a good player and I see very well is humility and recognize that it has achieved what he and that's what did the other one speaks very well, "he said of Pepa.
Later came Emiliano Time: "He fell in the final miracle. He entered the week and asked me if I could leave on the plate and ask for him to go live a lot of times. I did not understand the game and did what he could. But the times they did own projects because it had more partners than they did, he never took the risk the game and was hand in hand with someone. For me the 4 is the least understood the game. In home games never puts all the will to win. That is, no desire to try to win shows.
Finally, Cristian concluded: "It's like I see it from here inside. Maybe I wrong or is otherwise, but I wanted to tell what's going through my head. Also on Friday at the Long live everything. I will do completely different from what I played. Going to do everything fun, try to win all the challenges that give us good vibes. Not an angry, try to tarnish what the rest do, with joy, if there really is someone who understood what it is this play will make it impossible to win every game and I do not let anything tarnish what they do. But beware Pepa know I'm going to do because it will help me, which after all is not revenue. So I gave them all the time that I will write to tell you how I saw everything. "