dialogue, open heart. Community
share the excitement of watching the germ of the work of the Forum (I love that Gabi can finally "moderate" as much time encouraging the debate, communication ... valuable effort, there the other four said Claudio).
I was good work Veronica to historicize the debates that were stirring ... could use READ SOME RE-WRITINGS ON MUSIC THERAPY COMMUNITY (Community Music Therapy Blog).
I find it very clear thinking Vero work within the "context" for those who need it (I always think students MT) substrates theoretical understanding of our practice ... Vero
beautifully describes the Role of the MT Community ...
"me, music therapist, I am only enable the space to be .... propose rhythms, invoking images, and let each one is vibrating .... ..... .... sound move ... to his own time, in its own way ... his own silence .... his own tears ... his own immobility. ... each look in the mirrors and is what it is ... non-judgmental ... should not ... without being good or bad ..... Each draws its own conclusions. ... My only function ... keep open the space .... I feel that is happening to me and sustain the energy that circulates ... let each one ring, say, yell, cry, then silence .... ....." look
And later raised ...
clinical work "in individual work with the cycle we get specific and personal, with the way this woman ICCL and what happens in each phase ... and how to feel better using their creative skills, their moves. . Sounds. his art ... "(For more reading work" The community intervention subject and object "Models of performance . Preventive Therapy Conference in 2003) ... And Claudio
tops (male intervention that good! Ha ha!)
"The choice you make is true and mine is dicotomíaNo tambiénNo work is deeper, truer, or more autenticosi I work in hospital and you (you) as privadaSolamente change the shape of the background is the mismo.La devoluciónEl clarity of sight and hearing have to do exclusively with you, with your identity, your personal work, your responsibility and your being MT, XY or therapist who works in health and all with the institution or the physical location where you carry out "
and encourages us ..." Doctors, music therapists, psychiatric hospitals and lots of things but are the expression of a society. To be backward is society that must be changed ... But until the little seeds grow in all directions and in all stomachs, there are things to do, and who continue to make synthesized
Gabi "Without personal healing process is difficult deal with the pain of others involves UNDERSTANDING COMPASSION ...
but being there, willing, open, listening, conversing, questioning, accompanying. ... happens beyond our ego. "
I say goodbye until next time ... in a very special day for me (today marks two years of Valentino naciniento my son ... my teacher and shaman) ... thanks to my friends and colleagues who were and are supporting, accompanying. Va
an attachment with a letter I wrote ... I encourage you to socialize because I think this forum play very interesting topics and some friends were able to "show" without shame and with courage ... Claudia Mendoza
November 2008 Dear colleagues ... These exchanges are a feast for the soul ...!!! thanks for the opening bigger share the feelings that have to do with life itself ... with the pulse of the building, our children, our power to nurture and sustain ... our task is to create Community! The remainder will give the bargain ... hosted a five therapists in Posadas, Misiones, to begin to join forces and new tunes on Friday pasado.Tambien let me share a place of spiritual enrichment www.cafh.org which is based in different parts of the world and has been helping me for 20 years. In Buenos Aires provide workshops to continue to grow ... is not a religion, just an internal development path in which to learn to meditate and work with yourself ... Well, thanks again and to continue weaving melodies of peace for our lives and for this much-needed humanity ... musicalicemos the ...!!! world as an embrace with the sounds of "Mission ..."
Maria Elena Lopez Vinader
Forum Community Music Therapy .... It opens a big door!
Surge, thanks to an invitation by Gabriela Siccardi, the need in me to share my task:
circles of women, the healing of the feminine, the reunion with the natural cycles ... the mix I found on my walk to many places ... between music therapy, as shamanism, healing circles, full moon ceremonies here and in Spain, working with a shaman of San Juan for more than three years, making sawdust paste kneading drums in circles of women, Essential Canto work with my Grand Master Mrs. Iris Guiñazu, dance the 5 rhythms Gabrielle Roth sacred (balilarina shaman and says that life happens in 5 rhythms) ... finally sharing the integration of these experiences that I gave, body, soul, singing .... In these 15 years ...
and raises questions of other colleagues ... the difficulty of adhering not believe too much in all these experiences, despite having traveled well in those courses.
you can get them as a music therapist directly confronted with psychotic patients, for example? "(...) This means that in the psychiatric hospital where I work, it is not appropriate at all because they speak of such things, especially with physicians. And actually not with certain patients. On the one hand if we be regarded as true professionals in mental health, there are things that can not be transmitted. There is a language that possess a certain ethics and science. "
" But if I can see what all that can bring you as a person, but it does not take or musician, or therapist, neither man nor woman, only human. "
And if ... with psychotic is not appropriate to speak of" these things "...( or at least some) but I work with the rhythms of Gabrielle Roth, for example where there is an organic stream from the flow to stillness ... they dance, they move something, then they can share something ... . anyway i think every person in particular, and each one is what is particular causes. .. People prefer to talk about.
I had the opportunity to work with many kind of people who suffer various pathologies .. . and really the biggest difficulty was the institution. no pathology. not the person.
as we know, the rate orders, the ability to express stress free ... not very scientific .. or ... but for me the simple, coherent, human is what matters .. .
found specifically in working with women, something that in my opinion adds to the happiness ... welfare ... to raise awareness .. . because that deep in the background ..... what else are we when we say that health professionals? not work for the happiness of the person who comes with a problem? not reconnect because being isolated influenza (any way) causes suffering? or is it more important that we see as a great professional speaking difficult? Even
consistency sometimes is not adequate to the doctors ... because, unfortunately, in general believe they are better than the rest of the team
In Buenos Aires, and from experience, you can not talk freely with a doctor to have your baby in home, unless the few odd jobs if they work extra social work ... Homeopathy you can not talk with a doctor, or your fears, or almost anything that is not verifiable, you have to divide yourself to your emotional side, your spirituality, your beliefs, do not interfere with the thinking of medical ... and that's sick! (I speak of social work, to which we attend most ordinary mortals)
In my view, science and spirituality go together ... must be integrated ... using the tools I have as a music therapist, but the experiences I mentioned earlier ... I devote myself to ... and my work is with women because I think we are we can make a difference ... Humanity to build a more loving ... is a commitment to life ... so that we can transmit from heart to heart and do not mind to heart ... No more "should" and yes, I think that music therapy, where I understand it, (the ability to reconnect, to command, to express, to integrate) is a very good tool for us to mature as humanity.
than anything we as professionals? inside there is a deep desire to see our patients connected, happy? the truth that at this point in my life I chose to leave the institutions and open these spaces because I think they're more effective ... more concrete, less bureaucratic. .. and if there are women more aware in the future there will be fewer sick children, reported less shit (pardon the expression) and if that is not working for health ... really ... not how to do it ....
if that is not trying to convince anyone from what my mind that what is good ... but believes deeply in what I do, respect and sharing. ..
and other voices began to sound ....
"I hardly think as things decoupled dimensions coexist in me. I
music therapist, systemic family therapist, psychodramatist, massage, trapeze, Murguera, breast, subject to grow this historic moment where they live the values \u200b\u200band models brought from another time and another story.
am and come to be and that I am practicing as a music therapist is crossed and influenced (if not properly used the term) for my shamanic practices and my participation in various research and activism and my joy for cooking and wine. ..
shamans were not perhaps the first to use dance and the sounds that many years later formalized scientifically?
scientists were perhaps not the first to "legalize" from quantum physics elusive mysteries of life?
"only see from our point of fit," says Don Juan Matus, released by Carlos Castaneda.
only see what we can understand contemporary scientists say.
Life is a subjective experience 100%, says Humberto Maturana long and detailed. Engrandese
The event is the sum of descriptions, all truths coexist in the art of Tom Andersen's reflecting team. Systemic therapist who died last year.
and more
many more authors have been encouraged to expand their head, their skins and their hearts beyond the borders of the explainable, so bound, the nameable ... . Not ... I think it is good to continue testing the curious .. open, play, share ideas and fears and doubts and loves ... "
and comes the cry from my heart! Music therapist is a privilege to be ..!!!!
have access to many levels ... (Such as shamans)
have access to languages \u200b\u200bthat are woven, verbal, nonverbal, noisy, musical, rhythmic, silent, shouted, whispered, body, vibrational, emotional. Tooodas .....( and psychological theories we choose to look from where we like) are extremely abundant in resources!! free to choose ..... and if we open our hearts and minds hear and see things others fail to discern .. .
we are able to come and go, traveling with the pulse of a patient or as may be watching from the outside necessary ... dealing with people of all ages, pathologies, social classes, "mambo and colors ".... . to intervene not only with the word ... we can intervene with what is happening to us is appropriate at this time ....
is time to integrate ... to honor our work ...
Those who know Clarissa Pinkola Estes ... (Women who run with the wolves ... for me the bible female) if they read The bone-setters, that is pure music therapy! not read ... Huesera SER ... encouraged to see their own bones, wounds, deep places where reborn if given the heat and singing, he coined. .. but not from the idea, not from imagined .. . TRUTH, take an hour or two to sit, feeling, crossing with courage the portals are our wounds and sing, rock them, look at, touch, smell, cry, reirlas, paint and finally transform (alquimia. transmutation magic ... ... .. ... change ... insigth realize .. . cayo tab !!!!... etc ... Of course ...)
I was fortunate to have played ritually most tales of this book ... wonderful experience. .. Use the music, outside and inside, to heal! seriously, not as a theory ....
if as therapists we encourage you to explore, with muddy, get lost, to meet, to cycle, to hear the rhythm of the seasons, the moon, what is always there but not seen! is simple ... is human, is tribal, is communal, is to live with consciousness is to be horizontal listening to the heartbeat of the earth ... is to put words and explanations, is to look at, hear, feel, perceive .. . top, sides, bottom, inside, outside, and from other dimensions. ... respecting every time ...
the more we explore, but we can help, the more you give us permission to play, explore and create, we'll be more relaxed .. and we're importing sooooo how we look at the rest of the team ... we will work from the inside out ... with a solid foundation in our own experience, not only in books or theories ... . Trying to explain "that is music therapy??"
vibration is encouraged to pass the time ... not be assured. .. out of rational explanation and enter another state that gives us wisdom ... and then back ... and put words .... is an exercise ... . is a commitment .. .. with life ... with what we're here?? someone once in a psychiatric hospital told me very angry ... "If you go here is that with a drum you look weird" and I wonder ... that we want to raise if you are a music therapist? ?? begin to believe in what we do ... serves truth! and no need to continue trying to understand the rational world hacercelo ... loosened with that ... stop complaining ... . (Do not go to conferences because you always hear the same thing ... the role of MT, which do not respect us, that we are not the guitar we have fun .. we are professionals but we must strive to "belong" .. and complaints and criticism .... and I'm bored!) I say .. there are other options ... work ... is noticeable when the healing occurs .... our work is vibrated, is seen, heard .... create and honor that we choose! healing through music .... explore what is truly the healing for us ... we seek?? encourage one to question to see us without masks, for I am a music therapist? ??
to sos music therapist? ??
and cry echoed in other voices ....
(...) "Not everything that is said in the conference is boring, not everything they say is true shamans not everything they say is scientific books and all musics heal yourself if you do it with the painful realities corazonHay can not change it with the best intentions and fantasies that are not real despite our sheer will creencias.Entre mystic-healing and lithium molecules there are a thousand different ways.
a music therapist as well as I believe in you, as well as many of you, like many of those who were my colleagues Salvador. Of course "healing" as they say now to the music, but music does not cure all, or todos.Pienso you have to be simple and above all humble. (...) Years ago when I was a young wolf who was studying music therapy , had almost the same speech that you ... should be encouraged to explore, get lost, we will find. .. Work from the inside out .... just like I believed in all that and still think so. I had a great teacher in Carlos Fregtman and many others, wanted to change the world, militant, making speeches, music, courses, living ... In a way I'm still the same, my deeply held beliefs have not changed much, just add age and experience with age. At that time and called me old. So you think now .... And that makes me think of what Marin Fierro says: The devil knows hell but most know viejo.Y to end would add a Socratic thought that if I was something old, just know it I know nothing ... These are the patients, they do know ... "
And as a triangle in the orchestra a small voice ... said.
"and seek the acceptance of diversity to make a music therapy group approach, would not we be finding it hard to accept among colleagues?"
and I agree on almost all of the above .... I feel different is that I do not think a girl with the utopia of changing the world with the flash of music therapy. .. I believe deeply in it ... I am a woman of nearly forty years, with 15 professional and in recent years have synthesized my ways in the circle of women gives me deep satisfaction. .. I see the change in the over 20 women participating in this task and this is good ... I do not think that neither the music nor us to be what provoke the healing ... everyone heals itself according to the degree of openness .... us. music therapists have the blessing of being the channels, which open the space and bring it up very valuable and varied resources, to produce if they know, as you said there ... so decide ..... Because of this great satisfaction I feel with my work because I found a way that works for me, touches me, I live to be very very true, is that I have wanted to share. .. maybe it helps someone else ... on the other side I want to clarify that what I say about the institutions and the Congress is something that happens to me ... I went for the first ten years and unfortunately received the same complaint heard over and over again ... and not I have notice of an institution (Work looooong for twelve years) where you actually work the way I feel comfortable .... is absolutely personal. or all or none ... not everything is closed scientific or shaman says all the post .... I speak from personal experience, not to generalize. .. from what I've shared with colleagues ..... from my own way .... and I think it is fundamental, just months have received or more than twenty years working with a ... exploring ... to create ... because otherwise everything tends to become too mental for my taste ....
and another cry was heard! "WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THE SAME?
And then ... I read the emails ... and step
intrigues me, and much, what my colleague has ... their mystical experiences, working with Carlos Fregtman, travel with the Shaman. .. experience of many years .... meditation .. .. and above all it tells me that feels, thinks and thinks like me! "You're the one that I have to tell how all this influenced your work in music therapy with psychotic! ! I can not imagine that did not influence your listening, your eyes, your perception, your music ...... your contact with these wonderful beings! ! I return the question ... Tell me your experience please !!!!!"
and thanks to life, and Gabi, Judith, Silvia, Carina and Claudio something is opened ....
"Hi Vero, I answer quickly and to the touch now but I will send privately if you want my view, feel and my experiences with Carlos (which date back ... years old) and with patients. not if all the forum are interested in nuetras intrecambios, I think there are very many points in common (...). I also love away physically intercambioEstamos know! but close in other ways "Claudio
" dear !!!!!
please all, for a while I've been asking us to get us to discuss, co-build, shred .. . I think different generations of music therapists and different music therapy live in this community, putting them in play (jugandonos) we draw the differences.
is not to convince anyone but to pool knowledge, possibilities, potential suspects open / ours.
I read his books, work with music therapists who were trained with him, and am interested in what you can share your experience and your learning. Carina "
And me .... I think it is good to share for this entire community, as well as I shared my thing, the man opened the question in the community and so I get my answer ... with the "risk" implies that the question of viewpoints one .... and work ....( not long ago and in this forum called me shortly serious, here also there are those who think that mixing music therapy "such nonsense" it is bad for the scientific nature of this discipline .. .. not to mention that my blog is called Dragon Women!! looks sacrilege! lol) I think it is through this forum more relevant as share experiences. .. but ... "We have to see if you got you wanted to" expose "and the forum if people are willing to read to you without prejudice .. . buenisimo would be to tell us!! and each taking what they can go serve him, touch him, you resonate ... accepting differences. ... laburo respecting each of us do .... mmmm .... interesting challenge not?? to happen?? I want to know, in the forum or in private I await your response so here the route that you like ...."
Gaby doing his holding ... "Dear Claudio relevant I share your experiences at the Forum. The opening meeting and have been here.
We are open to talking about experiences from personal records, professionals, workers, citizens and human beings. (...)
now just seems to me that the flowers open in the sun .... and besides that beauty is of great growth for our community of music therapists.
resound with the sounds that make up the human being as a whole ... micro macro cosmos cosmos.
No personal healing process is difficult to deal with the pain of others ... COMPASSION
but being there, willing, open, listening, conversing, questioning, accompanying. ... going beyond our ego.
Music therapists like so many other "actors or authors' social and meetings are in searches .. . Always dominant discourses and try to intimidate and control frame and submit .... but spring is unstoppable ... and then you have to combine, assemble, create, animate. New proposals. Bendigo
this time of meeting and fertility! !
thank everyone for their blossoms open
Another world is possible, the garden is flourishing. .. !
And the man was telling us his own ...
It's all good, just if something I learned from Carlos Fregtman is to try to undo the ego that surrounds us and binds us continuously to an image, prestige, name, or a race and really all that already ... what surprises me is that in this forum, there are 300 therapists and are always the same as set out ... so I did not want to bore the 295 others. In finAquí go .... When I say I try to be simple and humble is that question. Music making with patients, from a place with heart, with love, simplicity, you're going to give you if eso.Lo happens is that often not enough, despite everything, despite the courses you have done , books you read, the personal work you've done for you, to years of therapy, meditation, the heart you put there and there will be frustrations, other colleagues, there are drugs, there are institutions, there are codes of ethics. In a synthesis or a therapeutic return with colleagues, psychiatrists, nurses, managers, can not explain the excitement of improvisation with a patient. Be translated, intellectualize, conceptualize. The Shaman, the mystical is what you use in your interior, is the look that you put on the place where this or that patient is placed in the hall, you can contact that you establish with your delusion, if delusion is, with auditory hallucinations, or visual. But no, allowing you to make an objective analysis of sound production once the emotion has passed. Because despite the subjectivity of life, if we decide to work in this system there are things to accept, in a psychiatric hospital are not the only ones who trabajan.Por why I said that my view must travel in the middle is difficult, not always rewarding, but I found another forma.Es as always having two views, but they become one, going beyond duality, is like a Koan.Eso is also a legacy of two years and environment in which we were students, patients, and I dare say Fregtman friends, Zen teaches that and that's what I remain of that time. I would also say that that there is also a time to separate from his Zen master, their Bibles, their dogmas. I learned that you should go alone in the dark, one is the dark, one is light. The reality is the same for everyone. "
and continue dialogue" I can think (out loud thanks to PC) in the difference of institutional work and that of consultorio.no work with people who will not work.
that was a learning and elección.y in the office do a compromise agreement on joint work.
when in the beginning I started with children, I understood that he could not without the parents.
why I train as a family therapist.
in special schools or clinics often different desires or goals of the patient and the derived or paid by my work ...
I think part of what claudio writes and what he feels he must "translate" or "account" is a work of another dimension to the clinic, of doing. part because if the owner of the clinic psychiatrist does not understand me, I do not pay, etc. etc.
in my private practice is no longer required, such a transfer. and I have a very clear framework with families, school professionals or refer patients to me. work with what, from what, in what the patient agrees with me and just that. and if, in my omnipotence think it has to work otherwise I say not to "stick it" from another place, so that together we avoid My colonization. ... put it in some way.
think it's difficult, and perhaps each is solved according to their personal skills, ethical development and maybe we can take a little of each and use in each case the tool that best suits. in my case helped me think of them as two different types of interventions and parallel to the same end .... I gun the rotten when mismatch points of arrival and does not depend on patient treatment (economically or physically) provides for more ... I ... Carina "
and I agree ... my difficulty with the institutions has to do with this" translation "(do not know if I can do it .... or if I get tired of trying ... or actually ... I think the healing, health from a perspective quite different and I tired to do as they deal with the days of internment that give a patient because it pays more or less hospital bed .... I get tired of trading!) in the office work I found something that felt much more real ... this sense of seeing and hearing more clearly .. . and to propose and follow up from what I really feel that is true ... . I also work with those who refuse to work ....
(At this point I received a mail exchange moving .... ... Eugenia Lafuente thanking my mails and saying you agree with me ... I will not give details I'll just say that you have to have ovaries to change ... to take care of before ... and now ... your mail opened more doors for me, more eager to move on with my way of experiencing music therapy, music therapist my way ....)
And we .... From a distance comes the voice of man
"I think we've played some very interesting points, working with those who want or not want to work, settle or compromise with institucionesTraducir translate the language or not music therapy, mystic, shamanic or what final seaen I would even say: To be or not be for lack musicoterapeutaHace work, re open, energy, reiki, stories, music, artistic expressions, artistic, macrobiotic food, etc. I do not think
etc.Yo Nor does need be neither BA nor a thousand degrees of this or aquellopara work that way, just be yourself with your life experiences, his honesty and personal work that allows you to avoid contaminating the people who come to see you in that case you're a Buddhist monk, shaman, or a study that once MT is the same ... In need serloSi queres cambioSi relieve pain and suffering of people who are on the edge, for example, people who are in certain clinics, which will not come around but do not have another and suffer the same, then you do them you say, NO! I take nothing but voluntary patients. .. The injustices of the world are not going to resolve themselves with a look or a holistic or transpersonal thinking only, that's great but not enough! and is not a question of salary or personal interest not know anyone who has been working as a silver filling MTMi salary, my daily bread as MT, is the comment of a patient leaves the hospital, just a tiny smile, a light in the miradaMismo if I was out there they will return year entranteSi I know very well it always heals or heals in a hospital psiquiátricoEs an election just to bring some lugaresdonde light on those society has decided to put those who do not have more, or that have too much ... and not compromise ... or is translated SER and allow the other of being and existence, with its delusions, its pathology and if it can relieve pain and suffering at least in the space of MT session for 5, 10 or 15 minutes around magic displayed in a sesiónLa choice you make is true and mine is dicotomíaNo there tambiénNo work deeper, truer, or more autenticosi I work in hospital and you (you) as privadaSolamente change the shape of the background is the mismo.La devoluciónEl clarity of sight and hearing have to do exclusively with you, with your identity, your personal work, your responsibility and your being MT, XY or therapist who works in health and all with the institution or the physical location where you carry out "
Ouch! yes yes .. interesting topics. .. And think ... If doctors and the "institution" do the little job of speaking the language that we handle?? with an anthroposophic doctor you can .... with a homeopath you can .... There are some psychiatrists who understand and fully share .. . and even encourage patients to refer you to the office and try lowering medications. ... Do not think the institution and working with those who have to be there whether or having to translate and make music therapist to be or not. . I think it's time to generate other types of spaces, more real for everyone. less frustrating and limiting (at least I felt that institutions in Argentina and that was my motor to find another way to work ...) outside the institutions there are many people who need help ... they can not give any .. . if you come to my office are delighted to get music therapy, not something that can make anyone who has pierced expriencias shamanic and Buddhist .. (In my case, my job probably will be tinged with both) on the other side is good that we have so many and that everyone can be a music therapist, developing their unique gifts and personal capacities. ... vida.conocernos its mission, through this community, for example, means that I can tell one of the women who come to the circle and asks me if I can see her son diagnosed with psychosis, look, I know a music therapist is specializes in psychosis goes to see him ... and we can work together from the music therapy you with the baby, I with breast ...... for someone to say, look, vero works specifically with menstrual cycle problems, go to see her .... and so extend, open, shared, making community ... . On the other hand I think if we have the best scroll to help and relieve pain, if the other does not. nothing happens. and if we insist it is because they need us .. because something happens to us with that .... and we sometimes banks is NO ... something that also has its reason for being ... because nothing is accidental within the institutions where I open the music therapy space without obligation (institutional) that TooDo patient should be involved as imagine, everything was much more fluid, more desire, more simple ... and came almost all! and this is a crucial point for me. things are no more serious or more professionals to be more complicated nor difficult language ... simple thing for me, what comes sencillito is more like the healthy ... NOT EASY .... IF SIMPLEy touching the question of Buddhism, we know that nothing is coincidence .. . and if you dedicate your life to people who are in a psychiatric and myself to women is because we need, we have to, learn, and are there because they are a function in our lives ....
"Doctors, therapists, psychiatric hospitals and lots of things but are the expression of a society. To be backward is society that must be changed ... I know you try to do it from femeninoYo it from mine ... in a psiquiátricoPero until the little seeds grow in all directions and in all sows, are things to do, keep doing and who you make clarified that where I work, patients are not required to come comes you want, and I agree with you re with respect to Simple.as you think that I speak complicadoA embolism on me so it is not that I talked with the translation into the system, is to talk their language if we want change is not outside you're going to lograrY obviously not the way you speak, or to translate that makes you or not MTY that I can go back to your question yesterday about my story and makes about you that you MTCon my shamanic experiences, seemed barbaric, I had so much fun but not really believing in them too, of course it is great to go walking barefoot through the woods, invoking the Mother Earth, plunging into the clear water of a waterfall, singing with the spirits of wind, why not. We are open. Ok, even if you do not know very well that some of those experiences I use specifically in MT.En conferences, forums, meetings I've heard a thousand things, all really interesting, hyper-complicated, too, Tony Wingram and Microanalysis in music therapy, two thousand Articles by David Aldridge, 1500 pages of John Slododa and cognitive Music, teaching music therapy, ISO, etc, etc without knowing what part of all that I use specifically in MT.Con Carlos Fregtman, I learned macrobiotic, aikido, music, and Zen Buddhism do not think I learned anything specifically about music therapy and yet I have learned all at once "
and the voices go on and on ....
"the rafa, a shaman who could sisters in this life, coordinating the full moon circles in the twin Córdoba.con fingers almost touching the moon, with that indescribable soundscape, with the air in the soul, I whispered - how easy it is here to be certain, believe / know, I have no contradictions, I could not clearly explain that I speak, but SE, and that here all know, everything is where it should be and I can feel the same.
-clear, "said the Rafah - that's why we came here tired, but the work is there in the streets where you work, I keep the circle from here to you, you can reload and keep doing what has to be .....
ever having a conversion processing with a researcher who was much respected and (too) were talking about our affinity ethics. _somos people who see that things could be better, study, investigate, and we formed to do better ....
at that time I had not seen a difference today I Alagoas as the more you know, farther feels all more special, more distant.
I choose something else, and as more I learn, the more I feel that is, what more I grow, I feel more connected to the rest of humanity, but similar.
insist, I choose to live well (bueeeeeee within which you can choose .... with this being)
'm in a team to build a pedagogical device and primary. kid's dream. let the children live toooooooodo bodies and what that may mean, it's part of my laburo.
no one else joins? materials, authors, or where we can discuss concepts in reflective conversations?
And this, finally, urges me to tell .... What happens in the circle of women? First The problem is that when we begin to see ourselves in the mirror of the other we relax ... . when we understand that all traversing the same injury, we brothers .. .. and when we find our ICCL menstrual speaks in images, which is related to the cycle of the moon and give us permission to be these four different women during our cycle ... anxiety is greatly relieved that most suffer ... and we "empower" connecting with who we really are. we let the child victim and we become responsible adults who elijen.el menstrual cycle brings great wisdom, if we dance to its music, if we respect their tempos ..... a menstruating woman has a rhythm, an energy, a flow very different from the time of ovulation ... . one is for inside, the other seeks to complement the company organically. ... in this society where not even respect the seasons .... the encounter with the female cycle itself complicates our ... should be encouraged, we must get .... from the massive publicity when you say they are days like any other and that "nothing happens" .. (do not see a single red drop in advertising. .. everything is immaculately blue ... no body ... no life ....) .. nothing happens ..... and that is not so ... when we come PASA, if we had to come and not come PASA, if it comes much PASA PASA if it is not much, if not come for nine months and if you leave PASA coming PASA ... and in no way are days like any other pictures .... we work in a circle, archetypes female each phase of the moon (and our cilclo menstrual) show, we do understand feelings and realize that we are not crazy for being pre-menstrual. ... we are open, receptive, sensory, highly sensitive and the call from the body to clean ... release .... express .... we are going through the grief of the child was not ... ICCL between life and death ..... then together we started the spiral path will connect with our deepest energy .... more authentic ... . deep feminine .... . and the first contact with the energy of each phase is from the body, movement, music guides us from the outside, the dance rhythms, flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical, stillness organic pulse ... feeling in each water, fire, earth, air, ether .... and spiral back to cycling now also from the voice .... and being the black moon ... the dark goddess, the creative energy of the water and let it be water in the voice ..... and be the crescent moon ... Virgin autonomy, the warrior of fire, awakening from singing my ability to see clearly .... becoming a mother .... full moon, red adult, mature woman who knows how to love and be loved ... the energy of the earth in the body vibrates in and out of my throat with authority ... and keep singing and I become a waning moon ... . wise old woman .... Witch ... which has come full cycle and you know ... and taught me to release what no longer serves me .... taught me to let die ... you have to die .... and my voice her song sounds ... wise. deep, loving, healing myself and others .... to give voice to the cauldron you have to be transformed. ... fertilizer for the next round ..... and the sound takes me .... movement .. . the power of all .... and then paint .... singing .... reveal my own images .... I let my wisdom to pass the motion to voice and voice to the colors and shapes .... and gradually learn to read the messages of the wisest of my own ... you know vibrate ... which is connected with the ancestral ... . you hear the music ..... ONE infinite at the end .... decoded .. .. I put words .... . read the message .... this trip all I am ... I recognize myself in this as one of them ... and understand what my job here and now ..... I bring to my daily life, I share ... something like that happens every month at our meetings .. .. feeling anxious women arrive victims ... and go with an open wound, ventilating, air knowing that will heal, becoming responsible, accompanied with concrete tools and feeling from the pace that we all share. ... I, music therapist, I am only to be .... enable space, proposing rhythms, invoking images, and let each one is .... vibrate .... sound ..... move ... to his own time, in its own way ... his own silence .... your own tears ... its own immobility. ... each look in the mirrors and is what it is ... non-judgmental ... should not ... without being good or bad ..... Each draws its own conclusions. ... My only function ... keep open the space .... I feel that is happening to me and sustain the energy that circulates ... let each one ring, say, yell, cry, then silence .... look ..... and then we get an individual work cycle-specific and personal, with the way this woman ICCL and what happens at each stage ... and how to feel better using their creative skills, their moves. . Sounds. its art ... Women are creative by nature .. . know of pace from the body .. we know that everything that comes inevitably dies .... and that whether one stays in the body and not touch ... distresses us .... relations makes it difficult .. . .... confuses us move these issues from dance, music, singing, the vibration. the sound, the creative .... . And to understand that it is .... helps to reconnect, to remember, to be closer to our essence deep .... .. gives us concrete tools to situations that distress and makes us much happier!!
"Women's Awakening Dragon, and blessed all cosasImpulsa your great truth, the sacred fire in your mouth!" Maria Veronica Romar
Usal Music Therapist.
Participants: Veronica Romar, Claudio Demartino, Carina Lo Re, Claudia Mendoza, Gabriela Siccardi and many more ....
Monday, November 3, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
What Do The Colours Of Shag Ties Mean?
Birthday Bulnesland
late afternoon in the Orange from the Well of Prayer
exactly one year ago today I started the blog in Bulnesland.
Yesterday, as if by magic, I completed Lurgorri page, the last path opened so far in the Naranjo, and with it the last page of Bulnesland.
After a return to the escalation pedrizera, abandoned for years, a summer walk by again Urriello breathe in me the admiration and the desire that Naranjo had just awakened when twenties, early 80's, walked to the old shelter with a heavy backpack by Channel Camburero; alone until under a maze of blocks of limestone, and near Vega de Urriello, I met a young Catalan also only up for the same purpose as me: climbing the South. The time and luck was with us and then we top radiant brothers forever. I forgot your name but not your smile, and your accent Catalan.
The following year, on a jet chartered as a mule, which was parked in the Winter of Texu, came close to Picu by the then dangerous sleepers Collado Vallejo, before to open the current path. A countrywoman more, all in black, the Terena, looked at me and laughed at my pint, "non e Esi chalecu Tuyu, huh?"
I was going to be "mine" this black vest, put up a long sleeve polo with horizontal stripes yellow and blue! But for me it was the height of geek.
luck again smiled at me and in the company of Galician as motorcycles jumped, I got to the Caprice Venus. "Cro-Magnon", so nicknamed for its resemblance to a primitive man, quiet but with a heart like a bullring, firmly assured me as I climbed the last plate difficult so hard for me that was almost crying with rage to keep from falling. Shortly
account in my history about Orange, but the desire and admiration to Picu and its people are even greater, and past the line of my fifty.
This purpose has encouraged me to go this year Bulnesland forming, reorganizing scattered material on the Internet, to provide a complete visual image of all climbing routes, and make it available to the climbing community.
Congratulations and thanks to all those you give life to Naranjo.
This will also give me life to me.
bye, Fernando

late afternoon in the Orange from the Well of Prayer
exactly one year ago today I started the blog in Bulnesland.
Yesterday, as if by magic, I completed Lurgorri page, the last path opened so far in the Naranjo, and with it the last page of Bulnesland.
After a return to the escalation pedrizera, abandoned for years, a summer walk by again Urriello breathe in me the admiration and the desire that Naranjo had just awakened when twenties, early 80's, walked to the old shelter with a heavy backpack by Channel Camburero; alone until under a maze of blocks of limestone, and near Vega de Urriello, I met a young Catalan also only up for the same purpose as me: climbing the South. The time and luck was with us and then we top radiant brothers forever. I forgot your name but not your smile, and your accent Catalan.
The following year, on a jet chartered as a mule, which was parked in the Winter of Texu, came close to Picu by the then dangerous sleepers Collado Vallejo, before to open the current path. A countrywoman more, all in black, the Terena, looked at me and laughed at my pint, "non e Esi chalecu Tuyu, huh?"
I was going to be "mine" this black vest, put up a long sleeve polo with horizontal stripes yellow and blue! But for me it was the height of geek.
luck again smiled at me and in the company of Galician as motorcycles jumped, I got to the Caprice Venus. "Cro-Magnon", so nicknamed for its resemblance to a primitive man, quiet but with a heart like a bullring, firmly assured me as I climbed the last plate difficult so hard for me that was almost crying with rage to keep from falling. Shortly
account in my history about Orange, but the desire and admiration to Picu and its people are even greater, and past the line of my fifty.
This purpose has encouraged me to go this year Bulnesland forming, reorganizing scattered material on the Internet, to provide a complete visual image of all climbing routes, and make it available to the climbing community.
Congratulations and thanks to all those you give life to Naranjo.
This will also give me life to me.
bye, Fernando
Friday, September 26, 2008
How To Find The Part Number Of Lenovo Battery
Lurgorri 2006
Ref: Pouanaiak
Ref: TorresToneo
Working on the first long
Ref: TorresToneo
Carlos del Campo, Directísimo opening in 1974, admiring the ice column Bullets Cave
Ref: Carlos del Campo
Piolet Traction Cave Balas the
Story of Michelangelo Mora (Biafra) on the artificial opening in the roof of the cave
Bullets "In the summer of 1979 know in Marin Cristian Vega of Urriello shelter, and quickly comes a great friendship between us.
One morning we decided to visit the Cave of the bullets, at the base of Shots Torchia, as we have said that is a very interesting place. Once there, we're dedicated to gather a soil sample of a small sphere-shaped stones, which attract much attention, because we know that the name of the cavity derived from them. "
" Fascinated by that environment we do not direct our eyes to the impressive roof that rises above us. We found a crack that runs through it in its entirety, and began to dream of a beautiful climbing away from the vertical. Thus, we decided to organize it for next summer, as they also face This is part of our projects to open in the PICU.
Biafra and Cristian Marin opened in 1980 the roof of the Cave Balas
"In early July 1980 the first shots ring hub in the cave, and we are gradually equipping the huge overhang. At all times we progress using plugs and stoppers, and at no time did use of chisels. We take this climb with some philosophy, and we alternate with other activities. We came to the cave at mid-morning, through the "jumar" and the fixed ropes we won the highest point reached yesterday. Then we moved a few feet from the crack, and when we looked good, we returned to the shelter. Thus, in four or five attacks, and after forty feet ceiling, won the vertical edge of the cave, and assemble a meeting with golo Cassin and several pins.
In a repeat of the roof
"We left the team and went over to do other instances with others. Shortly after we recover all the material and leave only a fixed rope hanging from the meeting. Our idea was to build the road, to win the top of the Shots Torca. But other projects we occupied, and at the end of summer, a very strong fall I had in the east of Naranjo, definitely blocked the project. "
along the roof Reclaiming
" I still remember how we played free climb in the beginning of the overhang, and a half in jest, half seriously, we said that probably in the future some of these get Freeclimber overcome all the ceiling without using stirrups and no points for help. Past 27 years was born via "Lurgorri" of the Pou brothers. "
Ref: Biafra in A5Lunnis
The brothers Iker and Eneko Pou have opened in the Naranjo de Bulnes Lurgorri road and shortly after have been released into free climbing, with a proposal of difficulty of 8c +, which then must be confirmed by other climbers.
Opening Lurgorri
Ref: Case Pouanaiak
confirmed that degree of difficulty by other mountaineers worldwide be the first time in the history of mountaineering such milestone is achieved both by Basque climbers.
The new achievement of the Pou brothers are not within your project includes seven walls, Seven Continents, which are left to be done in Antarctica and Patagonia, although it has served to put the icing on the Trilogy of Naranjo. Alava
Brothers have already made before, and climbing, three-way Naranjo de Bulnes own: Cantabrian Pilar (8a), Zunbeltz (8b, 500 meters) and Fifth Empire (8b, 500 meters ), which form the trilogy known as peak Asturias.
"Liberation of this pathway can be considered as a global brand and, when compared with athletics, we are talking about a world record of 100 or 1,500-meter sprint, "said Javier Baraiazarra yesterday, a member of the advisory team of the Pou brothers and responsible its website.
Ref: Noticias de Alava
The route was opened by Iker and Eneko on the west side of the Naranjo de Bulnes on July 17, 2006. A week later, the brothers got to Lurgorri work for chaining. And finally liberated on August 13 the 250 meters, at the moment, is the more difficult path of Picu.
Pou brothers perched on the Cave of the Balas
Iker proposed 8c +, degree imposed by the first and the hardest of the 6 long road. The first roll of 35 meters starts in a cave whose roof resembles that of Baltzola and goes a long rift that has no insurance expansion.
Iker like a bat in the first long
In the remaining long on insurance also. Quite the contrary. In the second, 7b, and the third, 7a, there is only insurance.
Eneko long
above Eneko
The fifth shot, 7c +, is the longest, with a total of 55 meters long and is, according to friends, the more psychological. Huge falls for a long insured with 8 expansive.
Ref: pouanaiak.com
Dani Andrada Lurgorri repeated in 2008
Madrid climber returns to Dani Andrada Naranjo de Bulnes, more than a decade after his last visit to repeat the 250 meters opened in 2006 by Iker and Eneko Pou in MURAZ most famous of the mountains of Asturias.
It has taken 13 years for Dani Andrada he returns to Naranjo Bulnes, and has done so with the machinery at full capacity. The "viejomutante", as it has been renamed to their just turned 33, he could repeat Lurgorri, a path of 250 meters Iker and Eneko Pou opened in mid July 2006 and released just a couple of weeks later, cotando entire itinerary as 8c +.
Andrada had prepared thoroughly, trying out different rocks and walls and taking a few red spots in recent weeks; Black pearl, 8c + sector Rodellar The Piscineta, for example.
A haircut then going on for six long the route that runs along the west face of Naranjo, more specifically through the right side of buttress.
We expect the exponent of free Picu, a route that is broken down as: 8c L1, L2 7b, 6c + L3, L4 V, L5 and L6 7c IV.
Ref: Vertical
Story by Dani Andrada
On 14, Pep S. Naranjo pal and I go, women are in Rodellar ... From the 95 that had not returned to Picu and it was time ... The aim was to choose between: "Lurgorri", "Zumbelt" or "Fifth Empire" and end ... for gold, in theory, harder: "Lurgorri" a way that had chained and opened two years ago Pou brothers.
the first day, after accidentally kicking the cable car down the road, we went directly to see and ride the first lap. Tremendous disappointment that was soaked but finally, after three hours, Pep and I came to the reunion.
This is a roof over 25m with a 5m out. The first 15 meters were to be protected with many friends and stoppers because it is very close to the ground, but actually the hardest of length is the starting block, which is semi with 4 nails very precarious. The Pou brothers cotaron this long 8c +.
Dani Andrada on the roof of Lurgorri
The second day we went to see the top of the track, I long for the second view, 7b (two sheets in 30m but easy to protect), and the third 7th (one sheet at 35m, but could only protect the bottom) and the fourth, a V of 35m above as it was impossible to protect.
The problems came in the fifth over. A course on the 8th all broken. I started climbing and I was breaking every song he picked up. I got off and decided to go up at him. Clean the area well and then chained to the first hit. It is a 55m long with 8 bolts away and you can get a friend. A long relatively easy when you know it.
After this long and finally came a V with no insurance to find a Session lost on the road on the left, quite a trip ...
Last day, the first long chain objective. Heating first and then hit chain. In my opinion, although I respect the opinion of Iker, I think it could be instead of 8c 8c + and I found many recessed knee that allowed me to rest well. At the end could have continued and repeat the above long as they were at 12 noon, but I do not worth it and I think sports is a way but a long way, has no difficulty maintained.
Overall route has not seemed too much rock as compared to others of Naranjo.
We were very happy with the deal that gave us Tom and the entire team Picu refuge. Again by the other ... at the moment to return to Rodellar for women ...
Ref: Dani Andrada
Lurgorri means "red earth" in Euskera and refers to the color of the floor of the beginning of the road.
Ref: escalamos.blogspot.com
Ref: TorresToneo
Why is called Cave of the Bullets?
Ref: TorresToneo
beads or pisolithic: are like balls consisting of concentric layers have grown on a core of sand or similar. They form in small buckets of water under steady drip.
Their size varies from few mm to 15 cm. Usually appear together in "nests" with numerous specimens.
Ref: espeleokandil

Ref: Pouanaiak
Ref: TorresToneo

Working on the first long
Ref: TorresToneo

Carlos del Campo, Directísimo opening in 1974, admiring the ice column Bullets Cave
Ref: Carlos del Campo

Piolet Traction Cave Balas the
Story of Michelangelo Mora (Biafra) on the artificial opening in the roof of the cave
Bullets "In the summer of 1979 know in Marin Cristian Vega of Urriello shelter, and quickly comes a great friendship between us.
One morning we decided to visit the Cave of the bullets, at the base of Shots Torchia, as we have said that is a very interesting place. Once there, we're dedicated to gather a soil sample of a small sphere-shaped stones, which attract much attention, because we know that the name of the cavity derived from them. "
" Fascinated by that environment we do not direct our eyes to the impressive roof that rises above us. We found a crack that runs through it in its entirety, and began to dream of a beautiful climbing away from the vertical. Thus, we decided to organize it for next summer, as they also face This is part of our projects to open in the PICU.

Biafra and Cristian Marin opened in 1980 the roof of the Cave Balas
"In early July 1980 the first shots ring hub in the cave, and we are gradually equipping the huge overhang. At all times we progress using plugs and stoppers, and at no time did use of chisels. We take this climb with some philosophy, and we alternate with other activities. We came to the cave at mid-morning, through the "jumar" and the fixed ropes we won the highest point reached yesterday. Then we moved a few feet from the crack, and when we looked good, we returned to the shelter. Thus, in four or five attacks, and after forty feet ceiling, won the vertical edge of the cave, and assemble a meeting with golo Cassin and several pins.

In a repeat of the roof
"We left the team and went over to do other instances with others. Shortly after we recover all the material and leave only a fixed rope hanging from the meeting. Our idea was to build the road, to win the top of the Shots Torca. But other projects we occupied, and at the end of summer, a very strong fall I had in the east of Naranjo, definitely blocked the project. "

along the roof Reclaiming
" I still remember how we played free climb in the beginning of the overhang, and a half in jest, half seriously, we said that probably in the future some of these get Freeclimber overcome all the ceiling without using stirrups and no points for help. Past 27 years was born via "Lurgorri" of the Pou brothers. "
Ref: Biafra in A5Lunnis

The brothers Iker and Eneko Pou have opened in the Naranjo de Bulnes Lurgorri road and shortly after have been released into free climbing, with a proposal of difficulty of 8c +, which then must be confirmed by other climbers.

Opening Lurgorri
Ref: Case Pouanaiak
confirmed that degree of difficulty by other mountaineers worldwide be the first time in the history of mountaineering such milestone is achieved both by Basque climbers.
The new achievement of the Pou brothers are not within your project includes seven walls, Seven Continents, which are left to be done in Antarctica and Patagonia, although it has served to put the icing on the Trilogy of Naranjo. Alava
Brothers have already made before, and climbing, three-way Naranjo de Bulnes own: Cantabrian Pilar (8a), Zunbeltz (8b, 500 meters) and Fifth Empire (8b, 500 meters ), which form the trilogy known as peak Asturias.
"Liberation of this pathway can be considered as a global brand and, when compared with athletics, we are talking about a world record of 100 or 1,500-meter sprint, "said Javier Baraiazarra yesterday, a member of the advisory team of the Pou brothers and responsible its website.
Ref: Noticias de Alava
The route was opened by Iker and Eneko on the west side of the Naranjo de Bulnes on July 17, 2006. A week later, the brothers got to Lurgorri work for chaining. And finally liberated on August 13 the 250 meters, at the moment, is the more difficult path of Picu.

Pou brothers perched on the Cave of the Balas
Iker proposed 8c +, degree imposed by the first and the hardest of the 6 long road. The first roll of 35 meters starts in a cave whose roof resembles that of Baltzola and goes a long rift that has no insurance expansion.

Iker like a bat in the first long
In the remaining long on insurance also. Quite the contrary. In the second, 7b, and the third, 7a, there is only insurance.

Eneko long

above Eneko
The fifth shot, 7c +, is the longest, with a total of 55 meters long and is, according to friends, the more psychological. Huge falls for a long insured with 8 expansive.
Ref: pouanaiak.com
Dani Andrada Lurgorri repeated in 2008
Madrid climber returns to Dani Andrada Naranjo de Bulnes, more than a decade after his last visit to repeat the 250 meters opened in 2006 by Iker and Eneko Pou in MURAZ most famous of the mountains of Asturias.
It has taken 13 years for Dani Andrada he returns to Naranjo Bulnes, and has done so with the machinery at full capacity. The "viejomutante", as it has been renamed to their just turned 33, he could repeat Lurgorri, a path of 250 meters Iker and Eneko Pou opened in mid July 2006 and released just a couple of weeks later, cotando entire itinerary as 8c +.
Andrada had prepared thoroughly, trying out different rocks and walls and taking a few red spots in recent weeks; Black pearl, 8c + sector Rodellar The Piscineta, for example.
A haircut then going on for six long the route that runs along the west face of Naranjo, more specifically through the right side of buttress.
We expect the exponent of free Picu, a route that is broken down as: 8c L1, L2 7b, 6c + L3, L4 V, L5 and L6 7c IV.
Ref: Vertical
Story by Dani Andrada
On 14, Pep S. Naranjo pal and I go, women are in Rodellar ... From the 95 that had not returned to Picu and it was time ... The aim was to choose between: "Lurgorri", "Zumbelt" or "Fifth Empire" and end ... for gold, in theory, harder: "Lurgorri" a way that had chained and opened two years ago Pou brothers.
the first day, after accidentally kicking the cable car down the road, we went directly to see and ride the first lap. Tremendous disappointment that was soaked but finally, after three hours, Pep and I came to the reunion.
This is a roof over 25m with a 5m out. The first 15 meters were to be protected with many friends and stoppers because it is very close to the ground, but actually the hardest of length is the starting block, which is semi with 4 nails very precarious. The Pou brothers cotaron this long 8c +.

Dani Andrada on the roof of Lurgorri
The second day we went to see the top of the track, I long for the second view, 7b (two sheets in 30m but easy to protect), and the third 7th (one sheet at 35m, but could only protect the bottom) and the fourth, a V of 35m above as it was impossible to protect.
The problems came in the fifth over. A course on the 8th all broken. I started climbing and I was breaking every song he picked up. I got off and decided to go up at him. Clean the area well and then chained to the first hit. It is a 55m long with 8 bolts away and you can get a friend. A long relatively easy when you know it.
After this long and finally came a V with no insurance to find a Session lost on the road on the left, quite a trip ...

Last day, the first long chain objective. Heating first and then hit chain. In my opinion, although I respect the opinion of Iker, I think it could be instead of 8c 8c + and I found many recessed knee that allowed me to rest well. At the end could have continued and repeat the above long as they were at 12 noon, but I do not worth it and I think sports is a way but a long way, has no difficulty maintained.
Overall route has not seemed too much rock as compared to others of Naranjo.
We were very happy with the deal that gave us Tom and the entire team Picu refuge. Again by the other ... at the moment to return to Rodellar for women ...
Ref: Dani Andrada
Lurgorri means "red earth" in Euskera and refers to the color of the floor of the beginning of the road.
Ref: escalamos.blogspot.com
Ref: TorresToneo
Why is called Cave of the Bullets?
Ref: TorresToneo

beads or pisolithic: are like balls consisting of concentric layers have grown on a core of sand or similar. They form in small buckets of water under steady drip.
Their size varies from few mm to 15 cm. Usually appear together in "nests" with numerous specimens.
Ref: espeleokandil
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Bubonic Plague Bird Mask
El Quijote 4 º Centenario 2005
Illustration Enrique Herreros
dawn in the east face
Ref: Madveras
The year 2005 was held on 4 th anniversary of the publication of Don Quixote, universal book written by Miguel de Cervantes.
For this celebration we wanted to dedicate a track on the universal also Picu Urriellu, what better excuse to escalate!
Throughout the year, no one gave him anything like the writer and his book, so we are doubly happy.
Ref: Andrés Villar
Ref: Andrés Villar
The route is a more on the Northeast side Picu, via long, committed, with little kit and somewhere above, not the quality of the rock (which in general is good) but for what we leave in the long, only 3 nails and 4 bridges of rock, especially in meetings, is what is going to find you want to repeat. You should go with the idea of \u200b\u200bopenness and have a good deal of guidance is not out of the route, stoppers and a set of aliens is enough for climbing.
The route crosses the road Treparriscos niche at the height of Rocinante. Don Quixote is a slight bias to the left to get in the great crash vertical yellow. The first ascent
lasted about 6 h. Has a length of approximately 390 m. This is in addition to the exit road spur Cepeda.
Ref: Andrés Villar
The openings of the Quijote, the previous year on top with Pedro Udaondo.
The noiés Villar Andrés Murillo, was a member of the Group of Mountain Rescue and Intervention in Civil Guard and instructor in the School of Jaca, with extensive experience in ransoms. It's the biggest opening of channels of Naranjo de Bulnes (Asturias), with a total of fifteen, among which are The Turquoise Goddess , the longest of all the existing 1,100 meters, open in winter. Among other peaks climbed Mont Blanc and the Cima Grande di Lavaredo. Participated in the story of Love and Hope for the program At the edge of the impossible.
Rubén Suárez Carballo, fireman Cee in the park, is opening four tracks on the Naranjo de Bulnes and several climbing routes on Mount Pindus, among which is the way Tell the sun. Whitewater kayaker and guide the company ravines Fronteira Noroeste, also an instructor for Rescue Fire Height parks Natutecnia company. Teammate Pablo
Fadeville Cajus firefighter is also Park in Santa Comba, plus graduate INEF, and opening the way Quixote in the Naranjo de Bulnes.
Enrique Herreros, passionate mountaineer, the Naranjo de Bulnes
Illustrator five different collections of Don Quixote and owner of more than 300 editions of Cervantes' work, will be remembered the bust by decision of the Potts Corporation, the city where he died when I practiced climbing.
& See Amazing History Villar Andrés Naranjo in the page Celtic Twilight . O0o

Illustration Enrique Herreros

dawn in the east face
Ref: Madveras
The year 2005 was held on 4 th anniversary of the publication of Don Quixote, universal book written by Miguel de Cervantes.
For this celebration we wanted to dedicate a track on the universal also Picu Urriellu, what better excuse to escalate!
Throughout the year, no one gave him anything like the writer and his book, so we are doubly happy.
Ref: Andrés Villar

Ref: Andrés Villar
The route is a more on the Northeast side Picu, via long, committed, with little kit and somewhere above, not the quality of the rock (which in general is good) but for what we leave in the long, only 3 nails and 4 bridges of rock, especially in meetings, is what is going to find you want to repeat. You should go with the idea of \u200b\u200bopenness and have a good deal of guidance is not out of the route, stoppers and a set of aliens is enough for climbing.
The route crosses the road Treparriscos niche at the height of Rocinante. Don Quixote is a slight bias to the left to get in the great crash vertical yellow. The first ascent
lasted about 6 h. Has a length of approximately 390 m. This is in addition to the exit road spur Cepeda.
Ref: Andrés Villar

The openings of the Quijote, the previous year on top with Pedro Udaondo.
The noiés Villar Andrés Murillo, was a member of the Group of Mountain Rescue and Intervention in Civil Guard and instructor in the School of Jaca, with extensive experience in ransoms. It's the biggest opening of channels of Naranjo de Bulnes (Asturias), with a total of fifteen, among which are The Turquoise Goddess , the longest of all the existing 1,100 meters, open in winter. Among other peaks climbed Mont Blanc and the Cima Grande di Lavaredo. Participated in the story of Love and Hope for the program At the edge of the impossible.
Rubén Suárez Carballo, fireman Cee in the park, is opening four tracks on the Naranjo de Bulnes and several climbing routes on Mount Pindus, among which is the way Tell the sun. Whitewater kayaker and guide the company ravines Fronteira Noroeste, also an instructor for Rescue Fire Height parks Natutecnia company. Teammate Pablo
Fadeville Cajus firefighter is also Park in Santa Comba, plus graduate INEF, and opening the way Quixote in the Naranjo de Bulnes.

Enrique Herreros, passionate mountaineer, the Naranjo de Bulnes
Illustrator five different collections of Don Quixote and owner of more than 300 editions of Cervantes' work, will be remembered the bust by decision of the Potts Corporation, the city where he died when I practiced climbing.
& See Amazing History Villar Andrés Naranjo in the page Celtic Twilight . O0o
Monday, September 22, 2008
Free Pinky Masterbation
Centennial 2003
Picu Bluff on the centenary of the first ascent
"For years waiting for this moment, on 4 August 2004. I knew we would join a good group climbers, some friends had not seen in a long time, others that each year we gather in the shelter and not possibly meet again in a long time, but I'm sure this day would be all that would not break anyone, it was as an event without be cited, as a magnet that attracted us to these walls and in its centenary year we would all go to worship him as if it were un dios.
"Casi lo es para muchos; por si acaso mi amigo y colega de escaladas Ruben Suarez y yo, nos adelantamos a la fecha abriendo un año antes. La via que ya llevara su nombre y recuerdo de este dia, la via “Centenario”, fue pensada para este glorioso dia del alpinismo español, los días 14 de Mayo, que abrimos la mitad de la ruta y que dejamos por falta de tiempo, hasta el 7 de julio de 2.003 que la rematamos, con 14 horas de escalada , dejándola con una dificultad de Muy Dificil Superior (máximo 6b+/A0) y 670 metros de longitud, siendo una de las mas largas del Naranjo".
Ref: Andrés Villar
Andrés Villar routes in the Northeast face
Naranjo Ref: Andrés Villar
Ref: Fernando Calvo
begins in the Canal de la Celada, right of way Panic Terminal, by some visible cracks, and four long (IV + / V / V +, V / V + / IV, III + and III + / IV / III + ) is reached under a typical crash, which is flanked by his right about twenty feet. Two long
m (V + / III + and IV / III +) can reach via niche-Cainejo Pidal. Three other
rope rolls (V-V + / V and V + / IV-) situate us on the Grande Corniche along which the road Schulze.
starts now be under the heavy burden of the central north face climbing to the left (III +).
The following long followed with the same direction (V + / 6a), to turn sharply to the right and set up the meeting in the bottom left of that heavy burden (this section has three espits, ensuring the most difficult) .
The following eighteen meters (V +) allow us to link with Panic via Terminal, laying continues for another two lengths of rope (6a + / V +, 6b + / 6a / V + / V) to place ourselves above the slab of the mill.
Two long over, slightly diagonal to the right (III + / IV +), lead us to the chimney outlet through which runs the track Pidal-Cainejo, why we continue to the summit (III + / II). O0o
Ref: Isidoro Rodriguez Cubillas Naranjo de Bulnes : A Century of Climbing.
At the top of the mountains always have a few surprises, this time was to see appear to Carlos Suarez, who came to track Rabada-Navarro alone.
was during the centennial of the first ascent of Naranjo de Bulnes. Pilis, Paul, Ruth and I would join us later, Carlos Suarez, enjoy top, time, friends, a good day of climbing.
Ref: Andrés Villar
& See Amazing History Villar Andrés Naranjo in the Celtic Twilight page. O0o

Picu Bluff on the centenary of the first ascent
"For years waiting for this moment, on 4 August 2004. I knew we would join a good group climbers, some friends had not seen in a long time, others that each year we gather in the shelter and not possibly meet again in a long time, but I'm sure this day would be all that would not break anyone, it was as an event without be cited, as a magnet that attracted us to these walls and in its centenary year we would all go to worship him as if it were un dios.
"Casi lo es para muchos; por si acaso mi amigo y colega de escaladas Ruben Suarez y yo, nos adelantamos a la fecha abriendo un año antes. La via que ya llevara su nombre y recuerdo de este dia, la via “Centenario”, fue pensada para este glorioso dia del alpinismo español, los días 14 de Mayo, que abrimos la mitad de la ruta y que dejamos por falta de tiempo, hasta el 7 de julio de 2.003 que la rematamos, con 14 horas de escalada , dejándola con una dificultad de Muy Dificil Superior (máximo 6b+/A0) y 670 metros de longitud, siendo una de las mas largas del Naranjo".
Ref: Andrés Villar

Andrés Villar routes in the Northeast face
Naranjo Ref: Andrés Villar

Ref: Fernando Calvo
begins in the Canal de la Celada, right of way Panic Terminal, by some visible cracks, and four long (IV + / V / V +, V / V + / IV, III + and III + / IV / III + ) is reached under a typical crash, which is flanked by his right about twenty feet. Two long
m (V + / III + and IV / III +) can reach via niche-Cainejo Pidal. Three other
rope rolls (V-V + / V and V + / IV-) situate us on the Grande Corniche along which the road Schulze.
starts now be under the heavy burden of the central north face climbing to the left (III +).
The following long followed with the same direction (V + / 6a), to turn sharply to the right and set up the meeting in the bottom left of that heavy burden (this section has three espits, ensuring the most difficult) .
The following eighteen meters (V +) allow us to link with Panic via Terminal, laying continues for another two lengths of rope (6a + / V +, 6b + / 6a / V + / V) to place ourselves above the slab of the mill.
Two long over, slightly diagonal to the right (III + / IV +), lead us to the chimney outlet through which runs the track Pidal-Cainejo, why we continue to the summit (III + / II). O0o
Ref: Isidoro Rodriguez Cubillas Naranjo de Bulnes : A Century of Climbing.
At the top of the mountains always have a few surprises, this time was to see appear to Carlos Suarez, who came to track Rabada-Navarro alone.
was during the centennial of the first ascent of Naranjo de Bulnes. Pilis, Paul, Ruth and I would join us later, Carlos Suarez, enjoy top, time, friends, a good day of climbing.
Ref: Andrés Villar
& See Amazing History Villar Andrés Naranjo in the Celtic Twilight page. O0o
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Make Homemade Wind Tunnel
The music therapist, Ms. Claudia Banfi
... at the request of gaby Siccardi some things I said at the conference, hopefully serve and thanks for the space! Claudia
Latin American Congress of Music Therapy III Latin American Medical MusicoterapiaFacultad UBAHospital of clínicas4 - 5 - and 6 April 2002
Consulting: Music Therapy and Community. Reflections for the debate :
The "Community Music Therapy" desarrollla their actions and from the community, is an agent of change that serves the social pain and public and collective expression. Performing its function as a role is assigned by the community, operating instead fills only make sense from the discourse that the community provides. Unlike the artist or animator cultural, instead of displaying his music, works to facilitate the other (the community) the expression of their sound, the sound organization of their message (which may be a mute). The listener does not cut
symptoms but oriented toward the desire for transformation of the other (the community) and seeks to serve that neighbor plural tools and devices associated with their training.
Their strategy never anticipated (not prevent) but on the contrary, it is pure becoming, is reflected in the very moment social event in which it operates.
The design lines are the horizontal role of insertion and listening, and from the horizontal (the plain, the plot of peers, the social base) the upward vertical set of actions that aim to impact instituted some power (economic, political, generational, etc..) Thus understood, community music therapy may be present in other areas of work (clinical, Preventive, ecological, recreational, educational) but it's good to cut its specificity within the context that frames it.
professional profile aspects come into play:
dedication to service - ability to relate in a responsible and committed to its role
- sensitivity and acuity in the perception and registration of the other (hearing and listening trained)
- clarity and openness to social interaction
- recognition of the diverse and multiple subjective and intersubjective level
- freedom and wealth to research and build speeches sound material
instrumental and vocal - to express and communicate ductility bodily
Music therapist Claudia Banfi
... at the request of gaby Siccardi some things I said at the conference, hopefully serve and thanks for the space! Claudia
Latin American Congress of Music Therapy III Latin American Medical MusicoterapiaFacultad UBAHospital of clínicas4 - 5 - and 6 April 2002
Consulting: Music Therapy and Community. Reflections for the debate :
The "Community Music Therapy" desarrollla their actions and from the community, is an agent of change that serves the social pain and public and collective expression. Performing its function as a role is assigned by the community, operating instead fills only make sense from the discourse that the community provides. Unlike the artist or animator cultural, instead of displaying his music, works to facilitate the other (the community) the expression of their sound, the sound organization of their message (which may be a mute). The listener does not cut
symptoms but oriented toward the desire for transformation of the other (the community) and seeks to serve that neighbor plural tools and devices associated with their training.
Their strategy never anticipated (not prevent) but on the contrary, it is pure becoming, is reflected in the very moment social event in which it operates.
The design lines are the horizontal role of insertion and listening, and from the horizontal (the plain, the plot of peers, the social base) the upward vertical set of actions that aim to impact instituted some power (economic, political, generational, etc..) Thus understood, community music therapy may be present in other areas of work (clinical, Preventive, ecological, recreational, educational) but it's good to cut its specificity within the context that frames it.
professional profile aspects come into play:
dedication to service - ability to relate in a responsible and committed to its role
- sensitivity and acuity in the perception and registration of the other (hearing and listening trained)
- clarity and openness to social interaction
- recognition of the diverse and multiple subjective and intersubjective level
- freedom and wealth to research and build speeches sound material
instrumental and vocal - to express and communicate ductility bodily
Music therapist Claudia Banfi
Thursday, June 19, 2008
What Does Sweet N' Low Do To Your Body?
by Virtual Forum Community Music Therapy
information exchange and discussion on music therapy and the construction of a community practice.
information exchange and discussion on music therapy and the construction of a community practice.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Westly Pipes Filmolgy
Circular forms

Citations are some authors from different fields of knowledge, depth psychology, as CG Jung, Studies of religion, Mircea Eliade, American anthropology, Carlos Sarasola. This summary is in a bibliographic record's 2007 Etnomúsica chair of the University of Salvador. Ms. Elena Holder Hermo. Assistant: Gabriela Siccardi Mt. Special Assistant: Mt Soledad Rivas
are important theoretical links offered by these humanistic disciplines are discussed from different approaches, symbolic expressions of different cultures. For community music therapy are open to new contributions joints on the sound and musical structures repetitive and circular, to Quelle "modulate" early bonds, rock, Islands International, bathroom sound, those that appear in the narration of stories, songs and rounds in the playground , the songs of marches and demonstrations and the soccer fields, the formulas that emphasize rhythmic improvisations, which are used for meditative (prayers, mantras) are examples.
The circle as a geometric shape and circularity as an idea, are the most complete representation of the concept of totality, from the time (round as the Aztec calendar that we propose an idea of different time, essentially non-linear, not a progressive sequence of events) to certain rituals like the sweat lodge ("sweat lodge or inipi) and even their own Sun Dance of American Indians, to mention only some events are full of circular that are the symbol of the whole. Says
Sioux chief Black Elk: "you have seen everything that makes the Indian does in a circle, and this is because the power of the world always works in circles, and all things tend to be round. In the old days, when we were a strong and happy people all our might we leave the sacred circle of the nation, and as the circle was unbroken the people flourished. The flowering tree was the living center of the circle and the circle of the four quarters nourished it [...] All it does the power of the world gets in a circle. The sky is round, and I heard that the earth is round like a ball, and the stars are round. The wind at its maximum strength, swirls. The leaves are nests in a circle, having the same religion as us. The sun rises and sets in a circle. The moon does the same, and both are round. Even the seasons, as it changes form a large circle and always come back to where they were. Man's life is a circle of childhood to childhood, and so everything that moves power. Our teepees were round like the nests of birds and were always arranged in circles, the circle of the nation, made a nest of many nests where the Great Spirit cobijásemos want our children. (Quoted by Brown, 1983: 25)
The same goes for Mapuche rituals as Nguillatun (supplication) in which all The ceremony was held over three days in a structure of concentric circles: The first is the center, instead of the offerings, prayers and dancing, then comes the "ramada" which is the set of shacks in which they are installed different family groups, then the outer circle that wraps around the great ceremonial space around which the riders ride ritual several times a day between the ramada and the central circle, the representative characters are invited by the head of the host community during the lunch, diners are arranged in a circle, the sacred drum Kultrum or running permanently is also circular. Carlos
Martínez Sarasola
The bold, underline and italics are the chair
Eliade, Mircea, Shamanism, Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, 1960
Jung, Carl Gustav, Psychology and Alchemy . Santiago Rueda Editor, Buenos Aires, 1957
Sarasola, Carlos Martínez "The circle of consciousness. An introduction to Native American "in
The language of the gods. Art, shamanism and indigenous worldview in South America. Editorial Biblos, Buenos Aires, 2004
are important theoretical links offered by these humanistic disciplines are discussed from different approaches, symbolic expressions of different cultures. For community music therapy are open to new contributions joints on the sound and musical structures repetitive and circular, to Quelle "modulate" early bonds, rock, Islands International, bathroom sound, those that appear in the narration of stories, songs and rounds in the playground , the songs of marches and demonstrations and the soccer fields, the formulas that emphasize rhythmic improvisations, which are used for meditative (prayers, mantras) are examples.

Worldview "The word worldview seems comprehensive enough to explain the existential approach to the indigenous have on all around him-including the universe and and the forms it takes the man and the community to interact with him. The latter is important because for indigenous men their daily lives is a replica of the workings of the cosmos and both planes, daily life and the cosmos, are essential parts of the worldview Carlos Martínez Sarasola
A definition worldview of Köhler (1980): "In the worldview of a people is synthesized in a structured way the main concepts of the form and quality of the universe, its inhabitants and man's place within that system. Especially in traditional cultures worldview provides a model for various aspects of culture, as the patron seating areas, the social organization and rituals of many kinds. For this reason the influence of various forms worldview routine life of the respective people. "
The shamanic drum El Tambor plays a major role in shamanic ceremonies. Its symbolism is complex, multi-office magic. It is essential for the development of the session, the shaman leads to the "Center of the World", and you consent to blow, and convene and "pinch" the spirits, and now, finally, that allows the shaman drumming focus and re-establish contact with the spiritual world that has done.
by the fact that the case of your drum is removed from the wood itself Cosmic Tree, the shaman, the tañerlo is magically projected near that tree, is designed to "Center of the World," and by the same impulse, can ascend to heaven.
From this point of view, the drum can be identified with the shamanistic tree multiple steps, by which the shaman symbolically rises to heaven.
The drums are in effect, a microcosm: a limit "topographic" that separates Heaven from Earth, and in some places, the Land of Hell.
The initial roll of the session, intended to evoke the spirits and "closing" in the shaman's drum, is the preliminary time ecstatic journey. For this reason it is said that drum is the "shaman's horse (Yakut, Buryats)
shamanic drum precisely distinguished from all other instruments of the" magic of noise, " because it makes possible an ecstatic experience. Mircea Eliade
"Mandala: Sanskrit for circle, and even magic circle. Its symbolism includes all figures that are available with centrally, circuits around a central, round or square and all the provisions radial or spherical shape, to mention only the most important forms of manifestation "
" I choose because word mandala means circle or ritual magic, especially in Lamaism and in tantric yoga, Yantra is used as this is as a tool de contemplación. Los mandalas orientales, en su uso para el culto, son imágenes tradicionalmente establecidas, no solo dibujadas o pintadas sino también formadas por cuerpos, que se emplean en determinadas festividades.”
“El verdadero mandala es siempre una imagen interior que se construye paulatinamente mediante la imaginación (activa) y cuando sobreviene una perturbación del equilibrio psíquico o cuando no se puede encontrar un pensamiento…” “En todos los mandalas lamaístas predomina no solo un cierto estilo inconfundible sino además una estructuras tradicional. Por ejemplo, siempre se trata de un sistema cuaternario, de una quadratura circuli, cuyos contenidos provienen en todos los Lamaist cases of dogmatism.
"For me there is no doubt that in the East these symbols had their origin in dreams and visions that were not invented by some church father Mahayana. On the contrary, belong to the oldest religious symbols of humanity. And maybe already in the Paleolithic period (note the rock drawings made on Rhodes). "
"Mandalas are very important because its center contains a figure of supreme religious value (...) So if all signs deceive us, those qualities (metaphysical) mean a psychic center of personality that is not identical to self
Carl Gustav Jung
Worldview "The word worldview seems comprehensive enough to explain the existential approach to the indigenous have on all around him-including the universe and and the forms it takes the man and the community to interact with him. The latter is important because for indigenous men their daily lives is a replica of the workings of the cosmos and both planes, daily life and the cosmos, are essential parts of the worldview Carlos Martínez Sarasola
A definition worldview of Köhler (1980): "In the worldview of a people is synthesized in a structured way the main concepts of the form and quality of the universe, its inhabitants and man's place within that system. Especially in traditional cultures worldview provides a model for various aspects of culture, as the patron seating areas, the social organization and rituals of many kinds. For this reason the influence of various forms worldview routine life of the respective people. "
The shamanic drum El Tambor plays a major role in shamanic ceremonies. Its symbolism is complex, multi-office magic. It is essential for the development of the session, the shaman leads to the "Center of the World", and you consent to blow, and convene and "pinch" the spirits, and now, finally, that allows the shaman drumming focus and re-establish contact with the spiritual world that has done.
by the fact that the case of your drum is removed from the wood itself Cosmic Tree, the shaman, the tañerlo is magically projected near that tree, is designed to "Center of the World," and by the same impulse, can ascend to heaven.
From this point of view, the drum can be identified with the shamanistic tree multiple steps, by which the shaman symbolically rises to heaven.
The drums are in effect, a microcosm: a limit "topographic" that separates Heaven from Earth, and in some places, the Land of Hell.
The initial roll of the session, intended to evoke the spirits and "closing" in the shaman's drum, is the preliminary time ecstatic journey. For this reason it is said that drum is the "shaman's horse (Yakut, Buryats)
shamanic drum precisely distinguished from all other instruments of the" magic of noise, " because it makes possible an ecstatic experience. Mircea Eliade
"Mandala: Sanskrit for circle, and even magic circle. Its symbolism includes all figures that are available with centrally, circuits around a central, round or square and all the provisions radial or spherical shape, to mention only the most important forms of manifestation "
" I choose because word mandala means circle or ritual magic, especially in Lamaism and in tantric yoga, Yantra is used as this is as a tool de contemplación. Los mandalas orientales, en su uso para el culto, son imágenes tradicionalmente establecidas, no solo dibujadas o pintadas sino también formadas por cuerpos, que se emplean en determinadas festividades.”
“El verdadero mandala es siempre una imagen interior que se construye paulatinamente mediante la imaginación (activa) y cuando sobreviene una perturbación del equilibrio psíquico o cuando no se puede encontrar un pensamiento…” “En todos los mandalas lamaístas predomina no solo un cierto estilo inconfundible sino además una estructuras tradicional. Por ejemplo, siempre se trata de un sistema cuaternario, de una quadratura circuli, cuyos contenidos provienen en todos los Lamaist cases of dogmatism.
"For me there is no doubt that in the East these symbols had their origin in dreams and visions that were not invented by some church father Mahayana. On the contrary, belong to the oldest religious symbols of humanity. And maybe already in the Paleolithic period (note the rock drawings made on Rhodes). "
"Mandalas are very important because its center contains a figure of supreme religious value (...) So if all signs deceive us, those qualities (metaphysical) mean a psychic center of personality that is not identical to self
Carl Gustav Jung
The circle as a geometric shape and circularity as an idea, are the most complete representation of the concept of totality, from the time (round as the Aztec calendar that we propose an idea of different time, essentially non-linear, not a progressive sequence of events) to certain rituals like the sweat lodge ("sweat lodge or inipi) and even their own Sun Dance of American Indians, to mention only some events are full of circular that are the symbol of the whole. Says
Sioux chief Black Elk: "you have seen everything that makes the Indian does in a circle, and this is because the power of the world always works in circles, and all things tend to be round. In the old days, when we were a strong and happy people all our might we leave the sacred circle of the nation, and as the circle was unbroken the people flourished. The flowering tree was the living center of the circle and the circle of the four quarters nourished it [...] All it does the power of the world gets in a circle. The sky is round, and I heard that the earth is round like a ball, and the stars are round. The wind at its maximum strength, swirls. The leaves are nests in a circle, having the same religion as us. The sun rises and sets in a circle. The moon does the same, and both are round. Even the seasons, as it changes form a large circle and always come back to where they were. Man's life is a circle of childhood to childhood, and so everything that moves power. Our teepees were round like the nests of birds and were always arranged in circles, the circle of the nation, made a nest of many nests where the Great Spirit cobijásemos want our children. (Quoted by Brown, 1983: 25)
The same goes for Mapuche rituals as Nguillatun (supplication) in which all The ceremony was held over three days in a structure of concentric circles: The first is the center, instead of the offerings, prayers and dancing, then comes the "ramada" which is the set of shacks in which they are installed different family groups, then the outer circle that wraps around the great ceremonial space around which the riders ride ritual several times a day between the ramada and the central circle, the representative characters are invited by the head of the host community during the lunch, diners are arranged in a circle, the sacred drum Kultrum or running permanently is also circular. Carlos
Martínez Sarasola
The bold, underline and italics are the chair
Eliade, Mircea, Shamanism, Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, 1960
Jung, Carl Gustav, Psychology and Alchemy . Santiago Rueda Editor, Buenos Aires, 1957
Sarasola, Carlos Martínez "The circle of consciousness. An introduction to Native American "in
The language of the gods. Art, shamanism and indigenous worldview in South America. Editorial Biblos, Buenos Aires, 2004

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Whitewater Canoe Outfitting
"convivial where you look round the new faith"
Picture used for submission of papers from community music therapy. The first was in Congress I internancional Summer. January 2004. Buenos Aires.
The phrase belongs to the poet John L. entrerriano Ortiz

The phrase belongs to the poet John L. entrerriano Ortiz
Funny Military Saying
Form for submission of projects. August 2003
5. Obstacles have been detected in the project (environmental, economic, cultural, vocational training, etc.).
6. Classification proposal: (tick as appropriate)
a) clinical music therapy
b) music therapy preventive
c) Community Music Therapy
d) recreation
e) specialized musical education
f) entertainment and cultural promotion
g) other
7. Research methodology that is interested in developing or already using
8. Free writing about the experience: reflection on practice, dialogues, questions, theoretical links.
9.Autores reference or bibliography:
1st. Diagram / poster:
10. Musical sound material (presentation format):
11. Video or multimedia material:
12. Comments / Feedback:
Dear Friends Community Music Therapy:
go in the direction of thinking to systematize the production of music therapists who we play in the socio-community they share a form I designed to Oden data our work. It may be useful to make the next game-day-party that gave us who participate and make this Forum. That day, as usual, we'll go from virtual to real. Already, some colleagues asked me where and when we met. Minimum
comments form: Part A refers to the overall project, if any, which develops the set of activities, including cultural, community living room, NGOs, neighborhood assembly, etc.
Part B is specific to music therapy and / or related practices by therapists such musical education in rural areas, radio, etc. The results suggested format to develop several aspects including (item 7) a letter about the experience ... poster, etc ... It should be noted that those
who are interested in starting work at the community level can serve to get glimpses of what it is.
Any questions ... You know, try to answer together.
Gabi Siccardi
Form for submission of socio - Community
A: Overview of the project
1. Project Name:
2. Institution / organization responsible
3. Music therapist / s: (name)
4. Brief description of project (start-up, goals, outlook etc.)
5. Target population:
6. Location (geographical location and main features)
7. Team participant:
8. Infrastructure and equipment:
9. Funding:
B. Specifics of music therapy practice
1. Proposed keywords:
2. Description of the project coordinated by / the music therapist:
3. Music therapy interventions: developing the activities, approach, framing techniques and more resources used.
go in the direction of thinking to systematize the production of music therapists who we play in the socio-community they share a form I designed to Oden data our work. It may be useful to make the next game-day-party that gave us who participate and make this Forum. That day, as usual, we'll go from virtual to real. Already, some colleagues asked me where and when we met. Minimum
comments form: Part A refers to the overall project, if any, which develops the set of activities, including cultural, community living room, NGOs, neighborhood assembly, etc.
Part B is specific to music therapy and / or related practices by therapists such musical education in rural areas, radio, etc. The results suggested format to develop several aspects including (item 7) a letter about the experience ... poster, etc ... It should be noted that those
who are interested in starting work at the community level can serve to get glimpses of what it is.
Any questions ... You know, try to answer together.
Gabi Siccardi
Form for submission of socio - Community
A: Overview of the project
1. Project Name:
2. Institution / organization responsible
3. Music therapist / s: (name)
4. Brief description of project (start-up, goals, outlook etc.)
5. Target population:
6. Location (geographical location and main features)
7. Team participant:
8. Infrastructure and equipment:
9. Funding:
B. Specifics of music therapy practice
1. Proposed keywords:
2. Description of the project coordinated by / the music therapist:
3. Music therapy interventions: developing the activities, approach, framing techniques and more resources used.
4. Actions taken by the music therapist that is not specifically for music therapy (eg. meetings, participation in other activities, etc.).
5. Obstacles have been detected in the project (environmental, economic, cultural, vocational training, etc.).
6. Classification proposal: (tick as appropriate)
a) clinical music therapy
b) music therapy preventive
c) Community Music Therapy
d) recreation
e) specialized musical education
f) entertainment and cultural promotion
g) other
7. Research methodology that is interested in developing or already using
8. Free writing about the experience: reflection on practice, dialogues, questions, theoretical links.
9.Autores reference or bibliography:
1st. Diagram / poster:
10. Musical sound material (presentation format):
11. Video or multimedia material:
12. Comments / Feedback:
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