Citations are some authors from different fields of knowledge, depth psychology, as CG Jung, Studies of religion, Mircea Eliade, American anthropology, Carlos Sarasola. This summary is in a bibliographic record's 2007 Etnomúsica chair of the University of Salvador. Ms. Elena Holder Hermo. Assistant: Gabriela Siccardi Mt. Special Assistant: Mt Soledad Rivas
are important theoretical links offered by these humanistic disciplines are discussed from different approaches, symbolic expressions of different cultures. For community music therapy are open to new contributions joints on the sound and musical structures repetitive and circular, to Quelle "modulate" early bonds, rock, Islands International, bathroom sound, those that appear in the narration of stories, songs and rounds in the playground , the songs of marches and demonstrations and the soccer fields, the formulas that emphasize rhythmic improvisations, which are used for meditative (prayers, mantras) are examples.
The circle as a geometric shape and circularity as an idea, are the most complete representation of the concept of totality, from the time (round as the Aztec calendar that we propose an idea of different time, essentially non-linear, not a progressive sequence of events) to certain rituals like the sweat lodge ("sweat lodge or inipi) and even their own Sun Dance of American Indians, to mention only some events are full of circular that are the symbol of the whole. Says
Sioux chief Black Elk: "you have seen everything that makes the Indian does in a circle, and this is because the power of the world always works in circles, and all things tend to be round. In the old days, when we were a strong and happy people all our might we leave the sacred circle of the nation, and as the circle was unbroken the people flourished. The flowering tree was the living center of the circle and the circle of the four quarters nourished it [...] All it does the power of the world gets in a circle. The sky is round, and I heard that the earth is round like a ball, and the stars are round. The wind at its maximum strength, swirls. The leaves are nests in a circle, having the same religion as us. The sun rises and sets in a circle. The moon does the same, and both are round. Even the seasons, as it changes form a large circle and always come back to where they were. Man's life is a circle of childhood to childhood, and so everything that moves power. Our teepees were round like the nests of birds and were always arranged in circles, the circle of the nation, made a nest of many nests where the Great Spirit cobijásemos want our children. (Quoted by Brown, 1983: 25)
The same goes for Mapuche rituals as Nguillatun (supplication) in which all The ceremony was held over three days in a structure of concentric circles: The first is the center, instead of the offerings, prayers and dancing, then comes the "ramada" which is the set of shacks in which they are installed different family groups, then the outer circle that wraps around the great ceremonial space around which the riders ride ritual several times a day between the ramada and the central circle, the representative characters are invited by the head of the host community during the lunch, diners are arranged in a circle, the sacred drum Kultrum or running permanently is also circular. Carlos
Martínez Sarasola
The bold, underline and italics are the chair
Eliade, Mircea, Shamanism, Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, 1960
Jung, Carl Gustav, Psychology and Alchemy . Santiago Rueda Editor, Buenos Aires, 1957
Sarasola, Carlos Martínez "The circle of consciousness. An introduction to Native American "in
The language of the gods. Art, shamanism and indigenous worldview in South America. Editorial Biblos, Buenos Aires, 2004
are important theoretical links offered by these humanistic disciplines are discussed from different approaches, symbolic expressions of different cultures. For community music therapy are open to new contributions joints on the sound and musical structures repetitive and circular, to Quelle "modulate" early bonds, rock, Islands International, bathroom sound, those that appear in the narration of stories, songs and rounds in the playground , the songs of marches and demonstrations and the soccer fields, the formulas that emphasize rhythmic improvisations, which are used for meditative (prayers, mantras) are examples.

Worldview "The word worldview seems comprehensive enough to explain the existential approach to the indigenous have on all around him-including the universe and and the forms it takes the man and the community to interact with him. The latter is important because for indigenous men their daily lives is a replica of the workings of the cosmos and both planes, daily life and the cosmos, are essential parts of the worldview Carlos Martínez Sarasola
A definition worldview of Köhler (1980): "In the worldview of a people is synthesized in a structured way the main concepts of the form and quality of the universe, its inhabitants and man's place within that system. Especially in traditional cultures worldview provides a model for various aspects of culture, as the patron seating areas, the social organization and rituals of many kinds. For this reason the influence of various forms worldview routine life of the respective people. "
The shamanic drum El Tambor plays a major role in shamanic ceremonies. Its symbolism is complex, multi-office magic. It is essential for the development of the session, the shaman leads to the "Center of the World", and you consent to blow, and convene and "pinch" the spirits, and now, finally, that allows the shaman drumming focus and re-establish contact with the spiritual world that has done.
by the fact that the case of your drum is removed from the wood itself Cosmic Tree, the shaman, the tañerlo is magically projected near that tree, is designed to "Center of the World," and by the same impulse, can ascend to heaven.
From this point of view, the drum can be identified with the shamanistic tree multiple steps, by which the shaman symbolically rises to heaven.
The drums are in effect, a microcosm: a limit "topographic" that separates Heaven from Earth, and in some places, the Land of Hell.
The initial roll of the session, intended to evoke the spirits and "closing" in the shaman's drum, is the preliminary time ecstatic journey. For this reason it is said that drum is the "shaman's horse (Yakut, Buryats)
shamanic drum precisely distinguished from all other instruments of the" magic of noise, " because it makes possible an ecstatic experience. Mircea Eliade
"Mandala: Sanskrit for circle, and even magic circle. Its symbolism includes all figures that are available with centrally, circuits around a central, round or square and all the provisions radial or spherical shape, to mention only the most important forms of manifestation "
" I choose because word mandala means circle or ritual magic, especially in Lamaism and in tantric yoga, Yantra is used as this is as a tool de contemplación. Los mandalas orientales, en su uso para el culto, son imágenes tradicionalmente establecidas, no solo dibujadas o pintadas sino también formadas por cuerpos, que se emplean en determinadas festividades.”
“El verdadero mandala es siempre una imagen interior que se construye paulatinamente mediante la imaginación (activa) y cuando sobreviene una perturbación del equilibrio psíquico o cuando no se puede encontrar un pensamiento…” “En todos los mandalas lamaístas predomina no solo un cierto estilo inconfundible sino además una estructuras tradicional. Por ejemplo, siempre se trata de un sistema cuaternario, de una quadratura circuli, cuyos contenidos provienen en todos los Lamaist cases of dogmatism.
"For me there is no doubt that in the East these symbols had their origin in dreams and visions that were not invented by some church father Mahayana. On the contrary, belong to the oldest religious symbols of humanity. And maybe already in the Paleolithic period (note the rock drawings made on Rhodes). "
"Mandalas are very important because its center contains a figure of supreme religious value (...) So if all signs deceive us, those qualities (metaphysical) mean a psychic center of personality that is not identical to self
Carl Gustav Jung
Worldview "The word worldview seems comprehensive enough to explain the existential approach to the indigenous have on all around him-including the universe and and the forms it takes the man and the community to interact with him. The latter is important because for indigenous men their daily lives is a replica of the workings of the cosmos and both planes, daily life and the cosmos, are essential parts of the worldview Carlos Martínez Sarasola
A definition worldview of Köhler (1980): "In the worldview of a people is synthesized in a structured way the main concepts of the form and quality of the universe, its inhabitants and man's place within that system. Especially in traditional cultures worldview provides a model for various aspects of culture, as the patron seating areas, the social organization and rituals of many kinds. For this reason the influence of various forms worldview routine life of the respective people. "
The shamanic drum El Tambor plays a major role in shamanic ceremonies. Its symbolism is complex, multi-office magic. It is essential for the development of the session, the shaman leads to the "Center of the World", and you consent to blow, and convene and "pinch" the spirits, and now, finally, that allows the shaman drumming focus and re-establish contact with the spiritual world that has done.
by the fact that the case of your drum is removed from the wood itself Cosmic Tree, the shaman, the tañerlo is magically projected near that tree, is designed to "Center of the World," and by the same impulse, can ascend to heaven.
From this point of view, the drum can be identified with the shamanistic tree multiple steps, by which the shaman symbolically rises to heaven.
The drums are in effect, a microcosm: a limit "topographic" that separates Heaven from Earth, and in some places, the Land of Hell.
The initial roll of the session, intended to evoke the spirits and "closing" in the shaman's drum, is the preliminary time ecstatic journey. For this reason it is said that drum is the "shaman's horse (Yakut, Buryats)
shamanic drum precisely distinguished from all other instruments of the" magic of noise, " because it makes possible an ecstatic experience. Mircea Eliade
"Mandala: Sanskrit for circle, and even magic circle. Its symbolism includes all figures that are available with centrally, circuits around a central, round or square and all the provisions radial or spherical shape, to mention only the most important forms of manifestation "
" I choose because word mandala means circle or ritual magic, especially in Lamaism and in tantric yoga, Yantra is used as this is as a tool de contemplación. Los mandalas orientales, en su uso para el culto, son imágenes tradicionalmente establecidas, no solo dibujadas o pintadas sino también formadas por cuerpos, que se emplean en determinadas festividades.”
“El verdadero mandala es siempre una imagen interior que se construye paulatinamente mediante la imaginación (activa) y cuando sobreviene una perturbación del equilibrio psíquico o cuando no se puede encontrar un pensamiento…” “En todos los mandalas lamaístas predomina no solo un cierto estilo inconfundible sino además una estructuras tradicional. Por ejemplo, siempre se trata de un sistema cuaternario, de una quadratura circuli, cuyos contenidos provienen en todos los Lamaist cases of dogmatism.
"For me there is no doubt that in the East these symbols had their origin in dreams and visions that were not invented by some church father Mahayana. On the contrary, belong to the oldest religious symbols of humanity. And maybe already in the Paleolithic period (note the rock drawings made on Rhodes). "
"Mandalas are very important because its center contains a figure of supreme religious value (...) So if all signs deceive us, those qualities (metaphysical) mean a psychic center of personality that is not identical to self
Carl Gustav Jung
The circle as a geometric shape and circularity as an idea, are the most complete representation of the concept of totality, from the time (round as the Aztec calendar that we propose an idea of different time, essentially non-linear, not a progressive sequence of events) to certain rituals like the sweat lodge ("sweat lodge or inipi) and even their own Sun Dance of American Indians, to mention only some events are full of circular that are the symbol of the whole. Says
Sioux chief Black Elk: "you have seen everything that makes the Indian does in a circle, and this is because the power of the world always works in circles, and all things tend to be round. In the old days, when we were a strong and happy people all our might we leave the sacred circle of the nation, and as the circle was unbroken the people flourished. The flowering tree was the living center of the circle and the circle of the four quarters nourished it [...] All it does the power of the world gets in a circle. The sky is round, and I heard that the earth is round like a ball, and the stars are round. The wind at its maximum strength, swirls. The leaves are nests in a circle, having the same religion as us. The sun rises and sets in a circle. The moon does the same, and both are round. Even the seasons, as it changes form a large circle and always come back to where they were. Man's life is a circle of childhood to childhood, and so everything that moves power. Our teepees were round like the nests of birds and were always arranged in circles, the circle of the nation, made a nest of many nests where the Great Spirit cobijásemos want our children. (Quoted by Brown, 1983: 25)
The same goes for Mapuche rituals as Nguillatun (supplication) in which all The ceremony was held over three days in a structure of concentric circles: The first is the center, instead of the offerings, prayers and dancing, then comes the "ramada" which is the set of shacks in which they are installed different family groups, then the outer circle that wraps around the great ceremonial space around which the riders ride ritual several times a day between the ramada and the central circle, the representative characters are invited by the head of the host community during the lunch, diners are arranged in a circle, the sacred drum Kultrum or running permanently is also circular. Carlos
Martínez Sarasola
The bold, underline and italics are the chair
Eliade, Mircea, Shamanism, Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, 1960
Jung, Carl Gustav, Psychology and Alchemy . Santiago Rueda Editor, Buenos Aires, 1957
Sarasola, Carlos Martínez "The circle of consciousness. An introduction to Native American "in
The language of the gods. Art, shamanism and indigenous worldview in South America. Editorial Biblos, Buenos Aires, 2004

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