Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Overall Best Digital Portable Tv

community intervention subject and object



-context in which it arises Preventive and Community Music Therapy.
-Models of Professional Conduct.
-Projects Chair "Preventive Therapy"


Before addressing the chair Projects Preventive Therapy we have done together with the students and the community, I want to briefly refer to the "historical context social "from which we start the music therapists to reach this scope as well as the new trends that arise as a result of growing demand for a society where it is very urgent for health professionals assume the Ethical commitment active participation is required in a country where "social suffering" replaces or exceeds demand individual clinical work.

context in which it arises Preventive and Community Music Therapy.
For many years music therapy has a strong relationship and orientation to clinical work, especially with what we commonly call "Mental health" rather than general health, but in the world since the 60's will produce a great move by disciplines such as sociology, anthropology and psychology, resulting in the paradigm shift from a conception Biologis Health more comprehensive. From the broad interpretation of health-disease process, its influence on social life, the MT. taking the contributions from different fields of social sciences began to perform a specific action in the middle, which systematization and conceptualization is still under construction.
In Latin America, the reflections and journal articles and books on the problems of public health and alternative solutions proposed by the music therapy are scarce, but we can not fail to mention as background, the valuable contribution of Ronaldo Millecco and colleagues from Brazil, being the country with Argentina, Uruguay and Cuba pioneers Dealing with this issue ..
worth mentioning that in recent national and Latin American events of our discipline has been given prominence to the opportunities for discussion and exchange on this subject.


There are different performance models involving different contexts and modes of action.

· Clinical Music Therapist.
· Community Music Therapist Music Therapist Preventive and Clinical Musicoteapeuta

This performance model is focused on the individual rather than group or community, would focus a "demand" by a family or patient for alleviation or solution to a given condition, framed, as a reference in the mental disease or rehabilitation, liaise with the hospital work more often than primary care in community institutions, being more associated a medical or psychological disciplines and sometimes considered a paraprofessional activity (although at present we have more autonomy and control over the guest speaker.) This position necessarily implies a "therapeutic setting." Clinical
The MT has had and has a very extensive practice, has made fundamental contributions in the field of rehabilitation and S. Mental.

Therapy Clinic's work occupies an important place in addressing certain problems and diseases (such as psychosis, autism, neurological and sensory disorders.) Moving towards MT.P not to deny the importance of this mode of approach but rather involves nurturing of their experience and contribution by placing them in a more comprehensive scale.
In this model of performance will result in: music therapy treatment to generate changes in a subject.

MTC = T (MT Clinic = Treatment = generation changes in a subject)

Preventive and Community Music Therapist:
This performance model would focus on the concept of positive health. "Health is seen not as the goal, but as a source of wealth of everyday life" (Ottawa Charter 1986).
Starting from the premise that many of the problems people can be resolved in the best way at the community level and that when citizens and groups come together to effectively address a problem that affects the community is a feeling of " realization "(Holtzman 1988).
This position implies a context linked to the field of research.

TM. Detention is the result of the evolution of the practice and is mostly is part of the changes that occurred from the demands that health services make to the MTAs. or as a result of the changes by the new problems that these services were in need of care.

· Problems of anxiety and stress (panic attacks, phobias, illnesses aggravated by stress etc.)
· Problems that arise in the educational-occupational context (aggressive behavior, antisocial)
· Problems arising from Psychological maladjustment to physical illness (hospitalization, trauma from surgery, terminal illness, etc.).
· Problems that arise as a result of las crisis vitales (Ej.: desajuste físico y psicológico por nacimiento de los hijos, adolescencia, vejez etc.)
· Problemas que surgen como consecuencia de la crisis socioeconómica (Ej. desocupación, aislamiento, caos social etc.).

Aparece entonces la COMUNIDAD como sujeto y objeto de intervención...

Esta nueva dimensión que adquiere la profesión cuando el objeto de intervención deja de ser un paciente, con determinada historia y aparece un nuevo “sujeto social” que demanda una respuesta por parte de todos sus miembros, hace que Mta. adopte entonces una posición diferente a su rol clínico tradicional para asumir una nueva dimensión en its activity as a subject of culture, will be closely involved with the reality you want to transform, and in which it is immersed, it should be noted that there are different modes of intervention as it is a prevention project or at a Sonora Community Experience. Preventive

The Music Therapist: Who are

MT. Preventive?
Are those who during their training music therapists were trained to meet their professional activity in areas of Public Health and the area of \u200b\u200bPromotion and Prevention Primary Health: Examples: "cultural programs", "Promotion Campaign Health and Disease Prevention, "as well as for the development and implementation of Preventive Therapy Project.

How does a MTPreventivo?
investigating and acting on issues of Health. Detecting
sound psychosocial risk indicators and implement sound technical and musical sensitization (TSSM).
Participating in the development and planning of interdisciplinary projects and Institutional Research and technical and methodological elements that constitute its specific contribution.

Who do you work?
works with other health professionals - education and community members offering their contribution to the so-called "population at risk."
will take charge of the responsibility in conjunction with other professionals and community members to develop a strategy to cope with problems related to the needs and priorities of the community, and important a correct view of these problems, bearing in mind that people perceive as their problems.

What difference raises the actions of the Community Music Therapist Preventive d? :
While the boundaries between the activity of the MT.C MT.P are subtle consider it necessary to refer briefly to some of the "positioning" required in one or another instance.

The Music Therapist (MT.P) is in the field of Action Research, the object of study focuses on the person or group of persons at risk, where "risk" to the conditions life, norms, values, motivations or behaviors that are abnormal risk of having a disease process or be adversely affected by this process.
His work will focus on the identification and study of "signs or sound features Psychosocial Risk"

" What is your role and how involved?:
Its function is to "enhance traits "Healthy" of a subject or group of individuals implementing awareness techniques, expressive sound.
their professional role is not direct but rather "guide" or "guiding process"
This performance model will result in an investigation in order to enhance healthy traits of an individual or group of subjects at risk psychosocial .
MT.P = IA (Music Therapy Research Action = preventive = enhance healthy traits of an individual or a group of subjects).

The Community Music Therapist (MT.C) will be interested in the cultural anthropological dimension of phenomena connected Community Health to stimulate reflection and sharing life experiences sound at the group level. Community Music Therapy leaps
dividing line that separates or distinguishes the therapist as representative of the knowledge in the "health" to put inside the frame in which he also serves on Health.
The analysis of the results referred to his own aesthetic experience.

What is your role and how involved?
The role of MT. Community, will be will guide and facilitate the energy generated by sound or music events that arise from social groups due to conflict or emergency social protest. There
the resulting need to do more with the sound you acquire the experience and group reflection on the importance of musical expression in cultures with a preplanned activity.

-Musical Sound Collective experiences that arise as a manifestation of social distress for example: "pot-banging," "Llaverazos", "musical experiences and / or sound in popular assemblies," Murgas Neighborhood "musical spectacular street" etc.).

This mode of intervention will result in a participatory experience-musical sound recovery and / or revaluation cultural.

MTC = VSM (Community Music Therapy = = Experience Experience musical sound participatory cultural recovery).

Undoubtedly there are new questions and challenges for our profession is moving towards SOCIAL THERAPY as a branch of traditional music therapy, we can affirm that it is necessary, adequate training of music therapists from the houses Preventive training and On one hand, students should be aware of major health problems in their countries or regions to develop full professional practice in diverse work situations and on the other hand, this would entail a positive impact on health conditions in Argentina contributed to a resounding makeover of our discipline in society.


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