Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Grecian Formula For Pubic

Tours and Community Music Therapy Perspectives

Tours and Community Music Therapy Perspectives

Mt Maria Gabriela Siccardi

Article published in "Health, Play and Creativity. Preventive Therapy Psycho" (Ediciones Universidad del Salvador), whose authors are the BA in Music Therapy and teachers of the University of Salamanca Patricia C. Pellizzari and Ricardo J. Rodríguez.
This version is updated.

brief history of community music therapy
Speaking of origin

always refers to the myth.
expression, birth, shape, already have the days of time trials.

contexts that gave birth to the music therapy as a scientific discipline underwent transformations. The framework of thought of the '60s is not the same as the current, however generated knowledge and input, which are the roots of current music therapy. But if we highlight the extent ancient history along the entire history of our humanity, the experiences of music and healing. (1) How did
? How long was developing this knowledge?

Times of knowledge and discipline do not match ....
times of myth and the time of chronos.

The evolution of the discipline continues to project different fields and areas for action and research.

social context, emergence and integration of Community Music Therapy (MC)

In Argentina, stay for decades of a political crisis, social and moral permanently shaken and hurt the public by inducing psychosocial risk behaviors (fears and phobias, suicide, accidents, isolation ...) combined with the maternal and child morbidity and mortality, violence, media bombardment, school dropout and illiteracy, unemployment, social fragmentation, etc ....
Therefore, music therapy practice is spreading to prevent and in some ways, recent events like the "pot-banging" and the institutional crisis of 2001-which remains, "marked another leap in this perspective, promoting the creation of practice that are inserted in the social field, the author has called Community Music Therapy. Therefore this practice is part of the socio-community adding to the preventive and clinical work of music therapy in convergence with other knowledge and social practices, health, educational, recreational, cultural.
in the region (Uruguay, Brazil) and in our own country there experiences related to music and / or vulnerable populations, confirming a path already traveled
The premise of this conceptualization is essentially local, and that accounts for a distance of a few years in the city of Buenos Aires. The emergence of this MC is directly linked to the experience of participation in a nonpartisan political space: the Assembly of Self-Organized Neighbors of Mario Bravo and Cordoba, made immediately after the protests of 19 and 20 December 2001 that we live in our country.
Now, name the many parents that they matter and spirit to this new and more complex (how far can we go up again from the perspective of phylogenetic memory?). We can refer to a broad and comprehensive view of human development, where different skills and knowledge. Mentioned in the social sciences, anthropology, ethnomusicology, music therapy, popular education, musical arts, psychology, philosophical thought, theology, politics, etc.

The emergence of this practice has its point of departure in the common objectives of the new space and collective subject. Since the membership of that particular community's political pulse, assembly and assembly movement, new regional links and interest to generate experiences of unity and social projection. Festivals in the streets, demonstrations, workshops, patriotic celebrations, protests etc.
The framework for social mobilization generated new ways of inhabiting the area, building a territory and relational link where the sound, noise, rhythm, music has a differential role. (2)

income community of music therapy in the field of music therapy. The virtual forum

The First Latin American Congress of Music Therapy and Music Therapy III Encuentro Latinoamericano CLAM organized by and held at the UBA School of Medicine - Clinical Hospital of 4-5 - and 6 April 2002 was part of the first public presentation of this proposal in the space of the consultancy: "Music Therapy and Community." Effective exchange
generating consulting issue that is proposed and agreed to organize the virtual forum of community music therapy made by the participants of this event and further stakeholders. (Start date 09/05/1902.)

The valuable dialogues with therapists (Banfi, Mendoza, Pellizari) and academics linked to preventive and clinical practice of this profession, to discriminate the specificity of this new practice for use in the community, where one of the hallmarks is the music therapist position as part of the community. Also distinguish the role and objectives of interventions.

In brief: Community Music Therapy in Argentina is an emerging practice that arises in response creative and committed to grassroots organizing movement that followed the protests of 19 and 20 December 2001 in our country.

intervention levels

Community Music therapy is based on the paradigm of reflection and action, recognizing the noise as a means of analysis and intervention in social and community level.
As subjects of research and action groups differ when two levels:
1) the social, massive, collective, we call people, great community.
2) the Community neighborhood, we call community (meeting room, factory, church, school, etc..)

made Experiences: Experiences

most relevant socio-community and giving support to this conceptualization
1. Cacerolazo and mobilization of 19 and 20 December 2001
2. Roadblocks, banging on pots and rhythms in the neighborhood (the instruments of office to the street)
3. Organization Neighborhood Assembly autoconvocados Mario Bravo and Cordoba. 04/01/2002
4. Popular street festival organized by the Assembly in February 2002. An experience of communion.: The first ritual. The spirit of community music therapy
5. La Murga in the march of March 24, 2002. Memory with other genres and other actors?
* First presentation of the conceptualization of Community Music Therapy Congress in the Hospital de Clinicas CLAM 4-5 - and 6 April 2002. At the same event call for the formation of virtual MC Forum.
Creation of Virtual Forum of Music Therapy. May 9, 2002
* A May 25 with street taken. The cultural foundations of the community: the song.
* "Noise to the Rhythm" Drum Workshop and Reflection: The speech and musical sound of protest. Expression and analysis. · Organized by the Assembly in the Month of the University Publica, Federación Universitaria de Buenos Aires-
* Run (07/03/1902) Pueyrredón Bridge by the political assassinations of June 26, 2002 in Avellaneda vs songs. amplification. The place of music: the song of Lefty.
* Box chayera from Cordova Street to the Plaza de Mayo. Marches and counter-rhythms.
* March of Aboriginal communities for their land claim. (2003) Languages \u200b\u200bsacred - profane laughter. Piquetero patronage.
* Fiesta by memory and hope, open space for memory, reflection and art Parroquia Santa Cruz. May-July 2003.
* The encounter with the poor in the district hospital: are we the same mud? Porta-voice sound
musical experience with a grandmother and granddaughter Wichi Htal unit 9 Gutierrez Children: Blow to cry.
* Presentation of the experience of the Forum of Community Music Therapy Music Therapy Conference in custody. USAL. October 2003.
* Day of Reflection Action Community Music Therapy in General Pacheco. Experience in community dialogue. 29/11/2003
* University against the war. Fac Cs. Social. UBA. December. 2003: improvisation sound. a) show of force, b) if life c) anti-war d) demonstration. 2
* Anniversary Celebration in the neighborhood. 19/12/03
* March for the second anniversary of "argentinazo" 20/12/2003
* MC Inclusion on the agenda of calling for papers in the Summer I interancional Congress.
January 2004 * Workshop on "Caring for the carers." Gutiérrez Htal children. 04/30/1904. aimed at parents of hospitalized children. Experiential-reflective
* Workshop "Community Music Therapy" Preventive Therapy Pre Usal day 1 and October 2, 2004:. shaping tunes and Preventive alternations with the Mt. Concepts of focus or community perspective (in this blog is the summary of the workshop)
* The contemplative experience in his voice: personal and collective prayer. Passionist Community 2005
* Memory and Movement for Justice Barrios, in Almagro: Plotting Instruments and Placement of tiles with the names of the persons of the area: since 2006 ( www.memoriaenlosbarrios.com )
Lecture in Community Music Therapy 1st. Day in HCDN organized by ASAM. 2006
* The participation of a music therapist in a Mapuche community. Huic of the Mapuche. The circle and the Taiel. Epulef colony. Chubut. January 2007
* Multiculturalism in health. Interviews with a nurse and others Mapuche Lake Rosario. Chubut. January 2007
* Tutoring Dissertation on Community Music Therapy. UBA. 2007 / 8
Inclusion of interventions by the MC. the chair of Etnomusica. Usal 2007

Community music therapy interventions

Community Music Therapy contains specific interventions that arise from hearing and consideration of the needs and desires of the community (formed or in gestation) from which the music therapist is a part.

At the macro level or social intervention aimed at listening, musical sound analysis of speech (protest, demonstrations, pot-banging, etc.) And making contributions. (3)

At the community level the proposal focuses on musical sound and participatory interventions, collective unity, reflection, project design. These events occur in the context of celebrations, parties, demonstrations, solidarity actions, fairs, conferences etc.

Until the community level have defined two types of intervention:
1) collective improvisations and musical sound /
Reflection (instrumental, vocal, verbal, kinetic) (4)
2) collective singing songs of the community . (Singing accompanied by guitar) (5)

1) The improvisations are displayed in a circular space formed by the willingness of the participants. The music therapists or slogan propose to organize the expression: (Eg.: Choice of instruments, sound presentation each, awareness of breathing, voice). Rhythms are usually developed on which cells are melodic vocals, sometimes from a proposed sentence phenomena appear Responsorial singing, vehicles of emotional expression, unity (in unison), protest, community identity, there is also improvisations soloists "distinguished from" all "either by the musical form, by the intensity, for the record achieved in the other, have also been submitted statements and counterpoint in the style of songs payadas or generating a" ensamblea sung. " Interestingly vehicle "collective cry" as an expression of shock, release, assertiveness, experience of unity and power.
experiences are usually accompanied by movement, or circle dance, you can include dancers in the center.

The moment of reflection opens up possibilities for pass word
lived experience records are included subjective and groups ranging from the emotional (how they felt during the experience), musical associations in the history sound, musical associations, Community ( Ex-black drum eighteenth century collective cry - peoples). Noise - chaos - order - rhythm). (6)

2) The experience of collective singing, among other effects, consolidation occurs among the members of the community, approach and integration of other, shared emotion, expression and recognition of a common history, intergenerational transmission. Memory is an experience of personal and social re-build relationships and dialogue, learn to plan ahead. Purpose

Community Music Therapy is not seeking to prevent diseases and promote health, from the hegemonic model of health professional knowledge, but from the membership of the Community area seeks to collaborate in the process of:
· participation
• organization
· Register personal and collective cultural identity while respecting
cultural diversity in community personal · Expression
· Expression and communication of ailments and social ills experience
· Expression and ritual (holidays, anniversaries, events, community outreach, neighborhood, national.)
· deepening socio eco-consciousness cultural-political and
· experiences "liturgical" of unity and empowerment
· Realization of joint projects
· Solidarity
· synergy and community networks

· ethics
The Community Music Therapist

The know-how of Community Music Therapy located on the same horizontal line other occupational knowledge - professional, practical, productive, political - desicionales, everyday knowledge. "(67

consider it essential to the role of music therapist to: generate appropriate instructions to their community, and in turn, from the listener to take the pop-musical sound function of the joint project. This practice (listening, speech, shared reflection), is identifying the role of music therapist in the community.

possibilities to generate the Music Therapist:
- spaces of expression, recovery and creation,
- meeting and dialogue within and with others,
- social ties and networks among colleagues and other stakeholders
community are directly linked to their professional training, their commitment to community life, a spiritual concept, ecological, cultural, social and political where he plays and plays and from a "we inclusive".

The expansion of music therapy field that includes a community practice will need to link the research work. The research methodology is outlined to one that encourages the community members themselves are protagonists and beneficiaries of the research. Action research that has an interdisciplinary team project even more the scope of it, because it will have multiple perspectives on the same phenomenon. (Musicians, ethnomusicologists, sociologists, anthropologists, journalists etc.)

do research:
We are interested in continuing to investigate the musical sound social discourse and community, taking into account for analysis, contributions from field research (8) and of participatory action research methodology.

large community level: the discourse of the protest: spontaneous and directed phenomena: noise, rhythm and singing. Most commonly used instruments, lyrics, tonal structure, rhythmic structure, formal structure, dynamic structure.
A central theme that requires the formation of an interdisciplinary research team is authoritarianism, where community music therapy will focus on analyzing the sound and musical expression: eg. the chant of the demonstrators in a march vs. amplification system of political parties. Units of analysis possible: the use of voice records, however, repetitions and variations, etc. , Making a specific contribution.
If we take the ecological aspect everything pertaining to noise pollution, daily presence of noise, distance from the sound parameters of nature. Noise levels and types of social.

- In the small community level, we with the dual aim: the given and to create; our roots: memory, folklore, oral transmission, popular songs, tradition, the meeting in the songs "we know all" and other individuals of st or that make up the song of that community and the communal subject. The transgenerational songbook.
our wings: new forms of expression in the new territories: the street corner, the square, school, neighborhood center, the hospital. Diversity of materials and sound symbols. Noise as a spontaneous expression of the urban landscape, types of silence in the collective. Rhythmic patterns. The screams. Significations of the given: The Anthem, songs and marches. Modes of singing songs. Sound and landscape.

- At the individual level, the expression of the voice, expressive body, re meeting with the "homo musicae." The formation of a dynamic identity in the context of recreation of the social cultural identity, the affirmation of values \u200b\u200bsuch as solidarity, cooperation, creativity, expression, aesthetics, critical thinking, dialogue, subjectivity.
subjective incidents from participation in the movements and spaces for participation in protest, grassroots organizing, solidarity projects, construction of citizenship. Recovery and assessment output to be political as inbreeding or isolation.
The community as a space that is built from the voice in consonance and dissonance: the horizontal and vertical in the polyphony of voices in the community. A social place to say, hear and be heard. New links. New Harmonies. Perspectives

Community Music Therapy For foresees new interventions, new analysis, new contributions, as engaging and continuing to spread in the various manifestations of social life and community of music therapists who are proponents of this challenge.
This work is an invitation to exchange and dialogue, as a mode valuable knowledge. Exchanges of similar experiences and theoretical considerations, will bring the proposals raised here, from a local experiment we. I hope that other voices sound for promoting community development, appropriate technology publications work, adjustments to the terminology of this new social sphere.

If music is the heritage of humanity, if we humanize the music, music therapists can choose the high commitment to "return" to the ritual of gathering where dancing, singing, music, parliament, run or "dairy" is a single ceremony. Con-celebrating life, humanizing the society in which we live, attending to their cries, sounds and silences. It is from this horizon that reverberates ...
whispering, singing, marching, dancing, thinking, listening, discussing, proposing changes, deciding, caring, helping, organizing ...
making community .-

* Most of the concepts of this paper were taken from "Community Music Therapy: Political crisis, neighborhood assemblies, community building," presented at the 1st. International Summer Congress: Developments in Music Therapy. Buenos Aires, January 2004

can extend these concepts:

1) Moreno, Joseph. "Perspective. The Music Therapist: Creative Arts Therapist and conteporary and shaman "The Arts in Psychotherapy, vol 15. Pergamon Press. 1988. USA.
2) Delleuze - 1837 Del ritornello Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus. Ed. Pre-texts. 2000. Valencia.
3) Siccardi, MG "New Song" - Pan. 2002
4) Siccardi, MG Towards a systematization of community music therapy. "
5) Mulatero, Siccardi "Our song." 2003
6) Mendoza-Siccardi "From noise to the beat." 2004
7) Rabey, M. The Four Seasons
8) as they have done in the field of ethnomusicology Felipe Ramón y Rivera, Isabel Arezt, Jorge Novati, Helena Ermo, and action research methodology participatory (IAP): Fals Borda and M. Monteros.


- Banfi, Claudia: Contributions to the consulting and Community Music Therapy (April 2002)
- Benenzon, Rolando The new music therapy. ed. Lumen. 1998. bs.
- Grebe Vicuña, Maria Ester "Ethnomusicology as a science" First Inter-American Congress Etnomusiclogia and Folklore, Caracas, 1983
- Hermo, Elena. Transcript of lecture notes and Analysis. Ethnomusicology career. M. Conservatory Manuel de Falla.
year 1989 - Mendoza, Claudia: Towards social music therapy: the community intervention subject and object.
- Rabey, Mario. The four seasons: namely, the project and changing cultural settings. 2000 -
- Ramón y Rivera, Felipe: Folklore and field research. Methodologies
- Journal CONAC Inidef 2: Caracas 1977
- Taurozzi, Susana. "... Ideas about building our identity" ined.


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