At least for two minutes, Cristian U. could get away from the oppression that caused the phrase to his girlfriend, Mary: "Do not sign anything with Telefe!" said the blonde, at the precise moment that the winner of Big Brother 2011 was intended to celebrate with her and her parents.
The words fell like a bucket of cold water and caused even that much of the people who were in the study will change in seconds the recipient of the shouting and praise. "Emily, Emily, Emily!" Began to listen to two seconds after the ungrateful attitude of Mary, the woman who still does not understand that their man is who he is due to play and program in which they participated.
The fact is that Jorge Rial, host, immediately caught the ungrateful attitude of Mary and, as soon as he could, crossed words in private with Cristian U. The talk was raised two seconds after the cameras went off, they told the moderator, this morning, in his radio show, City Gotik.
"I took it two minutes ago and said: You just said it, Mary! And he said, was ordered to do shit! I can not believe it! So I say: Tené care with friends and tené champion careful what you do from here on out. And Christian said, I trust in you, nothing more. I told him that was not representative or anything like that, he hit his forehead and told him to think he's smart, "said the host of" Intruder. " Notably
tarnish after a single moment of her boyfriend, she used the social network Twitter, which has more than 19 followers by Cristian U. and Telefe, and tried to justify their foolish act: "ES Q SE Q WAS SOMETHING UNDERSTOOD AND WAS NOT AGAINST TELEFE ASI Q BUT DO NOT SIGN UNTIL YOU SEE ALL, THERE ARE THINGS XQ SE Q Q Q YOU KNOW! ES Q ME A WEEK AGO ARE SAYING Q EYE Q LO VAN A METER IN THE HOTEL TO SIGN CONTRACT IS MALOOO YQ! X I TOLD HIM THE QUESTIONS! CLEAR AND REALLY XQ SE Q ME SEE HOW HE MADE VIO BAD AND IF offended someone I apologize! "(SIC).
The statements in Twitter differs completely from what was heard in camera. There is no valid argument to what made Mary, that's more than clear. Much less when she does not understand that a Christian who put in place that today you are Telefe and Big Brother. Even the name of Christian U. was created by the production of the program beyond then she has handled a record of that nickname.
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