Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Opening A Counseling Practice In Colorado

Summary of community music therapy workshop

Summary community music therapy workshop
Preventive Therapy Pre Usal day coordination and transcription
2004 Abstract: Gabriela Siccardi (GS)

The meeting was a participatory mode: Before you begin the coordinator did A brief reference to the history of the virtual forum, how it was born, in what circumstances, etc.. (1)
Then, the first time is devoted to the presentation of each attendee with their expectations and brief account of his work (school, club, dining room, living room, etc.). This moment was very rich because we could hear the different areas and modalities of integration and music therapists work in a social context.

A second time was given to research into 3 small groups (5 / 6 participants) of
1. What is a community, we mean by a community
2. Community music therapist attitudes
3. obstacles that arise in practice in our professional community.

then perform a plenary where we were putting together the various views, opinions, questions, and agreements.

thought was clarified to share reflections submitted by Claudia Mendoza and Carina The Re Unfortunately the image file that Carina could not be sent to print.
One participant proposed that the forum can access this material.

point 1. Think and think what a community group
1. first recalled a definition of a teacher: A humanity that has something in common. There are different types of community. It has to be some identification. Not given by natural variables, context. The community is built, not given just because they live in the same neighborhood.
group 2. There is a unity, a group of people who share ... The community is given but may be modified or rebuilt. Given and subject to change.
group 3: Common goal, a task that brings. Arises from the needs. This consists of a diversity.

GS: first find the given: geographic, demographic, and other movement, change, transformation, something that goes to a place, what I call project.
a community as such, not a whole population, it is recognized, there is identification, is in what we call the symbolic: the traditions, games, history, language, language, history and people, and all that which is given but a motor that drives where we go, as we solve our problems. The work done by Virginia P. through the project "rescuing the nursery rhyme "in the field of education tends to rescue the music of children's oral tradition. So it is a community project, impacts on the cultural heritage of these communities impoverished by the loss of their songs.
Patricia Pellizari (PP): there appears to be difficulties today in most urban communities of this project and self management. There is a perceived disappointment, despair, the primacy of the individual. The self first. I think the more rural communities and the poorest sectors is not as well. The solidarity appears.
GS: a bit in contrast to what is being said, I come from a new experience, which is the neighborhood assemblies. Just how rare was that in a city where 3 neighborhoods converge, we began to build a place, with the relational features of urban anonymity, .... and begin to shape a community where people appear specific resolutions that are out of work, or cut off the gas, or are homeless, or need money. Shares mine as Mta. were for the recognition they gave me as someone who has some knowledge about music and health. However, we must tolerate the ebb and flow of the communities, as also noted in the forum. There are moments of production and moments where nothing happens. This has to do with "vital rhythms of communities"

Petronilli Virginia (VP) as a kid, building society, neighborhood centers existed, and now it's like they reappeared. GS

whether to round out the idea, for me the community is something which is given but you have to work every day and everywhere, is a community attitude. It has to do with the plot to link with networks, with how we relate and projects. I understand that the music therapist must be able to hear what is the project of this community? Is my project? or is the project of these people? like I'm part of these people so that we can agree on the assembly of a project?

The second line of thought is the attitude, look at ourselves to ourselves.
group 1. when we go to a community first attitude would see what is needed, not going to impose anything. the other thing that was said was: embodying another code. Sometimes things do not work because they see us as something distant that we have nothing to do with them.
The idea is to be an instrument. Do not impose. Opening. Arises the need for methodological tools.

group 2. commitment to integrate into the community, perseverance, openness to learn about different forms of relationships, flexibility in the proposals and (.... no means in the recording)

group 3. listening, openness, not having high expectations, being part of the community. Movement, we do not like models healthy, but questioning the naturalized participate. Community that we receive and be a part.
PP: that networks facilitate oil, for example ... a1 with the director of school where we did the project ... I said, "when we have to perform the work table with the teachers? ... because the kids (school students) say a lot about the teachers .... and there are things dense. The director said he came very well "since you are outside to denounce and put on the table problematic situations of violence of abuse among children and teachers." And this being outside, sometimes thought of as an obstacle, often can be exploited as a facilitating tool. Building Hope network is a possible alternative health and welfare, and that this means ... lost. Lean on the other is a perspective of health. GS
I think there are different approaches .... for a preventive approach is fine (to be outside or not belonging to the group or community). In this approach arises in, develop, adjust, leaving out certain capacities. Is different from the community work that has network, there must be links, registration of the other, trust, processes are slower. Maybe a music therapy space is still on the horizon. There are other steps above so that later you can give a specific activity. VP
thought that the opening is sometimes given on the other side. He entered a village vaccinating dogs with scabies, after these processes, one day you installed the project. Not that one comes to the project. And it's not hard. The project intends to work the link between adults and children, and rescue all the cultural baggage that is lost in transmission. Each community is different. Flexibility is one of the attitudes
GS. the aim is wider, not just perform a task or goal. VP Community
As there is an extension of linkages, networks that it generates, PP
I kept thinking in the projection of the intervention. What is before and what is later (in relation to an intervention or project a preventive and community). I have many doubts among the points of contact and difference between community and preventive. There is an ideological issue that can differentiate prevention of community (beyond the approach.) Regarding the approach has to do with the scope of the project because such a project has a clear theme as ours, "analysis of the indicators of psychosocial isolation and integration" seems to have some prickly or outside the community, and come to draw a line. But the ideology of the project, flexibility, does not point to that side of sanitarism that relies on primary prevention. There is something of the ideology that builds a program and some of the projection of that ideology weapons program, as the sample. When you're working on a program that deals with integration, psychosocial isolation, and the program allows, supports and facilitates the coming of the keeper and tell the whole story, and come to the neighbor, and also tell you, and we a building society, and we moms of the kids, and put up nets ... I did not dare to say that this is not community. This has to do with the educational community and neighborhood. But you seem to read the project and a project conceived public health.
GS. the clinic can also be viewed from a community perspective or not. You can take a community approach in preventive work or clinical. Saying "community" is saying many things at once. It has to do also with the attitudes of the professionals who choose, by personal history, ideology, we look at what happens in society and we take it into account.
RFP, a social viewpoint.
VP I think this project as preventive and community, and strictly preventive or community, but preventive and community.

third line of thought:
barriers, needs we have in the task or as a professional community, and how to seek solutions together.

group 1. build networks that work to continue when the operation ends. There are a teacher who says ... "Arrange the start." This came in relation to that when we do preventive work, it should be clear that one goes, show some, it detects certain issues, generates, leaves an impact and leaves .... so we talked about how to leave. Output processing. It is from a preventive model, but ... from what we were talking just after community work continues, continues. A preventive project can be a contribution more, but dependence that one can go, having spawned a network and that the community can continue working. Start
participate in government programs, to transcend the job. You need to be sustained, because if there is no recognition, but the tiredness or lack of resources, materials for do .... work sometimes falls. No spaces
installed. You go, assemble, maintain ..
not be a musician, but music therapy workshop.
as work to install the music therapy.
- whether in the field, at one time was in the clinic.
now, perhaps the task is to get the post of music therapists in schools.
If, in the general direction of schools.
present the project to the inspectors to know him. Do not wait to come to know the work but make it known.
assess experiential expressive experiences rather than theoretical

group 2. We (community action group, Assam) seek materials, books, jobs, experiences, not that there were, but who did not know if. We had no access. It is difficult, we in the faculty in the department of public health, we find that there are other disciplines that do have a more community health course in the implementation of projects. There is a big gap in the UBA on this topic. We need to know specific methodologies for preventive and promotional approach and access to systematization. On the Internet there appears a project in Oslo, which is a choir for the elderly. But another reality. We want to know how to make a diagnosis (tools) How to calculate the time of preventive intervention, promotion.

group 3. (No interference in the recording)
think the research, what and how to investigate.

finally read a few concepts of the work submitted by Claudia Mendoza: (posted on this Blog)
Music Therapist Preventive and Community: The performance model would focus on the concept of positive health: "Health is seen not as the target but as the source of wealth of everyday life "(Ottawa Charter, 1986) (...)
the community as subject and object of action ...

This new dimension that takes the profession when the object of intervention is no longer a patient, with a particular history and appears a new "social subjects" that demands a response from all its members, makes Mta. then take a different position than the traditional clinical role to assume a new dimension to his activity as a subject of culture, will be closely involved with the reality you want to transform, and in which it is immersed ....

Conclusions: GS Just as we were 15 years ago by proposing looks music therapists, concepts and methodologies for clinical treatment .... and for that we did conferences, publications, lectures in the associations, etc. Today, the new is to look at what social, and feel part of the larger community or village and small community-the community as subject and object of intervention, says Claudia Mendoza, gives us the pattern of a new period of the profession. Hearing this happens to us and personally taking a certain position.
also implies that we meet and absences, lack of production or theoretical, or ignorance of what is produced by the next door and did not know .... The goal is this: find us to strengthen the development of a new professional field. Build a research, participatory methodologies of action research. For as clinical music therapy was nurtured by the psychology, this new practice, this new approach will link with the social sciences (anthropology, sociology ...) related to the subject community. Key elements for developing
community: "Since the membership of the Community area Mt seeks to generate participation, organization, personal record (no subject) cultural identity in dialogue with cultural diversity, promote ecological awareness, social, political and cultural-spiritual generate space for the expression of discomfort and protests, experiences of unity and fellowship, recognition of the same song, sound, voice. synergies of solidarity, networking and community projects. " Lastly
members of the workshop highlighted: the aspect of diversity in practice as a value community partner, as each intervention works. The evolution of the discipline by this new approach. Depth knowledge of each job that is developing.
is proposed to hold the next meeting. From what everyone takes .... find the Community objectives, and listen more clear as to be recognizable there. Community
What is a philosophy and a way of life.
I'm in doubt .... between education, community prevention, specifically community ....
I'm eager to learn more.

write Stakeholders mails to join the forum if you are not yet involved.

(1) The income of the community music therapy in the field of music therapy.
The virtual forum
The First Latin American Congress of Music Therapy and Music Therapy III Encuentro Latinoamericano CLAM organized by and held at the UBA School of Medicine - Clinical Hospital of 4-5 - and 6 April 2002 was part of the first presentation public of this proposal, in the consulting space, "Music Therapy and Community." From the exchange that generates the issue at that consultancy is proposed and agreed to organize the virtual forum of community music therapy made by the participants of this event and further stakeholders. (Start date 09/05/1902)

The text accompanying the poster for the dissemination of the day on which this workshop was developed.

Preventive Therapy VII Days
"No one is saved alone, listen, we do well"

Friday 1 from 16 to 22 hours.
and Saturday October 2, 9-13 pm.

Aula Magna. Faculty of Medicine. Topics

Music Therapy Intervention and Primary Prevention Promotion of Health. Psychosocial
Diagnostic Evaluation. Work Stress prevention policy
Governments of the Province of Buenos Aires Procedures Act
Music Therapist and techniques in Preventive Therapy - Musical Presentations


Open Studio Pre - Week from 14 to 16 hours. Aula 204
Theme: Music Therapists in Community Preventive approaches

Certificates will be given.
For information. Te 4 811-8519 Ms. Maria Celia Perez. Race Director
BA in Music Therapy.

Free admission
USAL. Tucumán 1845. Tucuman between Callao and Riobamba Cap.Fed.


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